Assistance Program for Lead in School Drinking Water
This program provides technical assistance to public schools and childcare facilities to establish a screening program for lead and copper in drinking water.
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Boston Harbor Water Transportation Fund Grant
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (“MassDEP” or the “Department”) seeks grant proposals from governmental, quasi-governmental or non-profit entities for projects that support or expand water transportation to, from, or within certain sites in Boston Harbor. This grant opportunity is funded by the Boston Harbor Water Transportation Expendable Trust, which in turn is funded by contributions from licensees under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 91. Chapter 91 protects and promotes the public’s use of Commonwealth tidelands and other waterways. The purpose of this grant is to enhance and promote water transportation on Boston Harbor as a way to balance private uses of tidelands along the Harbor with the rights of the public to access and use those areas. The total combined funding available through this grant opportunity is approximately $2,500,000.
Public Information Session:
A virtual information session, open to the public, was be held on October 16, 2024, from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.
The Boston Harbor Water Transportation Grant Opportunity document, including an application cover sheet and guidelines for applying, and calendar was posted on October 21, 2024, on COMMBUYS. Grant applications are due by 5pm on December 13, 2024.
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The Community Septic Management Program
Financial assistance and incentives for communities and system owners. These programs can help provide low cost loans for septic management plans.
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Cybersecurity Improvements Grant
The goal of this grant program is to support PWS in improving their cybersecurity defense, mitigating the risks of cyber-attacks, and enhancing overall resiliency and compliance. There is no match requirement associated with this grant. Applications are due by 6/1/2024. Applications submitted after the due date will not be considered. To learn more about this grant, see the MA Clean Water Trust's webpage.
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Drinking Water Supply Protection Grant Program
This grant provides funds to assist public water systems and municipal water departments in protecting and conserving the quality and quantity of public drinking water supply sources in the Commonwealth.
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Emerging Contaminants in Small and Disadvantaged Communities Grant
The EC-SDC Grant Program provides states with grant funds from EPA to assist small and/or disadvantaged communities to improve their drinking water by carrying out projects and activities to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS.
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Gap III Energy Grant
The Massachusetts Gap Energy Grant Program provides state grant assistance to Municipal and District drinking water and wastewater treatment facilities for installing energy efficiency measures (e.g., variable speed drives; pumping, aeration, and HVAC upgrades etc.) and clean energy generation projects (solar photovoltaic, in-line hydropower, water source heat pumps etc.) at their plants and pumping stations.
To view our previous Gap grant awards and project information, please visit our story map here:
Massachusetts Gap Energy Grant Program.
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Ipswich Water Supply and PFAS Grant
The goals of this grant are to address: (1) the persistent drinking water quantity challenges faced by the Ipswich River Basin; and (2) the continued prevalence and harmfulness of PFAS in drinking water in the Ipswich River Basin. This grant program is designed to provide feasibility studies, infrastructure design, water chemistry analyses and other activities needed to identify and advance water supply solutions for communities withdrawing water from the Ipswich River Basin. Applications are due 1/10/25. For more information, please contact MassDEP at:
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PFAS Grants and Loans
MassDEP offers grant and loan programs to assist Public Water Suppliers to address PFAS in drinking water.
- The Emerging Contaminants in Small or Disadvantaged Communities Grant Program
The MassDEP Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF) Program
The DWSRF Program provides low-interest loans to cities, towns, and other local governmental units for drinking water related infrastructure projects. In addition to construction projects, the Program is accepting applications for loans for the planning and design of PFAS treatment on a rolling basis.
- Previous grants awarded by MassDEP to address PFAS in drinking water are shown on the PFAS webpage map.
State Revolving Funds
The State Revolving Fund Program provides low-interest loans to cities, towns, and other local governmental units for drinking water and wastewater-related infrastructure projects.
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Title 5/Septic Systems: Financial Assistance Opportunities for System Owners
Information about loans or tax credits available through MassHousing, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, and community-based programs.
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Water Management Act Grant Programs for Public Water Suppliers
This grant program is designed to assist eligible public water suppliers and municipalities with Water Management Act permits by providing funds for planning assistance, demand management, and withdrawal impact mitigation projects in local communities.
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Watersheds & Water Quality Grants and Financial Assistance
Grant program guides and other information about stormwater, Section 319 Nonpoint Source Grants (prevention, control, and abatement of nonpoint source pollution) and Section 604 Water Quality Management Planning (water quality assessment and management planning), and summaries of projects from past years.