Popular state parks for weddings
- Borderland State Park, Easton-Sharon (508) 238-6566 Borderland.Park@state.ma.us
- Mount Sugarloaf State Reservation, Deerfield. Call (413) 387-4338 or (413) 665-2928 after May 15), or email samuel.jurkowski@mass.gov
- Maudslay State Park, Newburyport. Call (978) 465-7223or email: Maudslay.Park@state.ma.us.
- The Maudslay Arts Center Maudslay State Park is a private venue. Call them directly at (978) 857-0677.
- Willowdale Estate is a private wedding venue on the grounds of Bradley Palmer State Park in Topsfield. Call them directly at (978) 887-8211 to plan a wedding.
- For information on events at Skinner State Park, call the Notch Visitor Center at (413) 253-2883
- Walden Pond State Reservation in Concord does not allow any weddings from May 1 to Oct. 31, due to high recreational use during that time. Call staff at (978) 369-3254 or email Walden.Pond@state.ma.us
Wedding photos and videos
You don’t need a separate permit to take photos and videos during a permitted wedding ceremony at a state park. If you don’t have a permit for your wedding, you need a special use permit to take photos and videos in a state park.
If you’re interested in holding a wedding at a state park, contact the park directly to see if weddings are allowed, and to check date availability. Park staff can help you complete any required permits. Fees may apply. Find a park