Well-being and technical assistance for lawyers during COVID-19

The SJC Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being is currently focused on the immediate needs of lawyers, law students, and legal professionals as a result of COVID-19.

Table of Contents

Lawyer well-being website

The Committee has launched a website to provide well-being resources to the legal community to help manage stress during this period of time, which includes resources on technology. The Committee has launched a technology helpline (TechLine) to provide live one-on-one assistance.

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Inc.

The mission of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers, Inc. (LCL) is to promote well-being and resilience in the legal community, improve lives, nurture competence, and elevate the standing of the legal profession. In response to COVID-19, LCL has compiled various resources for lawyers, law students, and judges. Topics include staying balanced, maintaining mental health, and working remotely as a lawyer during the pandemic. 

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