OIG Forms, Guides and Advisories

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) issues guides, advisories and forms to provide helpful resources for public employees and those doing business with the Commonwealth. Our goal is to help you understand everything you need to know to comply with the law, understand policies and procedures, prevent fraud, effectively administer contracts, and much more.

You’ll find a wealth of information below, including forms and guidance related to public purchasing and Chapter 30B (the Uniform Procurement Act), how to follow proper procedures for design and construction contracting, codes of conduct and fraud prevention.

Table of Contents

Public Procurement

Public Design and Construction

Fraud Reporting and Prevention

Public Boards and Commissions

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Resources

Codes of Conduct


Compensating Balance Account Reporting

RFR/RFQ and Contractor Forms

The OIG periodically issues requests for responses (RFRs), which are available at COMMBUYS, the official procurement record system for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Executive Departments. The following five forms must be submitted with an RFR response.



Main Office (617) 727-9140

Open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., M-F

Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline (800) 322-1323

24-hour Confidential Reporting

Chapter 30B Assistance Hotline (617) 722-8838

Available 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., M-F

MassDOT Fraud Hotline (855) 963-2580

24-hour Confidential Reporting

OIG Academy Classes and Training Inquiries (617) 722-8884
Media Inquiries 617-722-8894

Let us know which language you will need when first contacting us.


Report fraud, waste or abuse of government funds or property to the OIG OIG Confidential Online Fraud Reporting Form  
Report fraud, waste or abuse of government funds or property related to public transportation OIG Confidential Online Reporting Form for Fraud Related to Public Transportation 
Chapter 30B Technical Assistance Form Chapter 30B Technical Assistance Form 
Chapter 30B Assistance Hotline Email 30BHotline@mass.gov
OIG Academy Classes and Trainings Inquiries MA-IGO-Training@mass.gov


One Ashburton Place
Room 1311
Boston, MA 02108

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