Resource Management Plans

Adopted Resource Management Plans

Following a public review and comment period, Resource Management Plans (RMPs) are revised and presented to the DCR Stewardship Council. The Stewardship Council is a 13-member independent body, appointed by the Governor, that assists and oversees DCR. Resource Management Plans (RMPs) are not officially adopted until they are presented to the DCR Stewardship Council and the Council has approved them by vote. Adopted plans are housed at the State Library of Massachusetts for long-term access and permanent historic preservation.

The following list will help you identify and locate digital copies of adopted RMPs. Property names are linked to their RMPs.

Alphabetical List of Adopted Resource Management Plans

This list will help you find adopted Resource Management Plans for DCR properties. Use the links at the top of the page to navigate to different sections of the list.

Prior to 2023, RMPs were prepared for groups of properties. Because of this, a given property’s RMP may be included in a document named for a Complex or Planning Unit and may not bear that property’s name. From 2023 onward, RMPs are prepared for individual properties and are named for that property.

Table of Contents

A - C

D - G

H - K

L - M

N - Q

R - S

T - W

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