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All cases are heard on Tuesdays at 9:00 am at the Marlboro District Court, 45 Williams Street, Marlborough, MA, 01752. This location is open all day Tuesday while court is in session.
There are three free parking lots available at the courthouse.
For those who need public transportation, the Metro West Regional Transit Authority has bus service to Marlboro and the Route 7 bus stops near the Marlboro District Court. Most buses servicing the Metro West area transfer at the Blandin Hub or the Banana Lot in Framingham. The Route 7 bus which leaves at 7:40 from the Banana Lot in Framingham arrives approximately 8:40 am at Broad St, near route 20 in Marlboro. After departing from the bus stop, walk along route 20 until you reach Williams St. Please call Metro West Regional Transit at 508-935-2222 to inquire about your specific needs or visit their website at
Please contact one of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) coordinators below for more information about accessibility at this court location.
Katie LaGorce
Phone: 508-831-2065
Fax: 508-792-1170
Aracelis Arroyo Centeno
Phone: 508-831-2066
Fax: 508-792-1170
Please call for details at 1-800-THE-JURY (1-800-843-5879).
Hon. Sergio E. Carvajal, First Justice
Nickolas W. Moudios, Clerk-Magistrate
Rosemary Rosario, Chief Housing Specialist