- This page, MassAbility Braintree, is offered by
- MassAbility
MassAbility Braintree
Details of MassAbility Braintree
Overview of MassAbility Braintree
The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Unit serves Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals not only from the above towns but the Boston area as well, including: Back Bay, Beacon Hill, Dorchester, Downtown, Kenmore Square, North End, S. Boston, South End, and West End.
Hours for MassAbility Braintree
Monday - Friday:
8:45 am-5:00 pm
Parking at MassAbility Braintree
Large parking lot near building.
By Public Transportation:
Take Red Line to Braintree T stop. There is a shuttle van for ride to the Braintree MRC Office.
Big white shuttle bus with signage – “South Shore EHS Services – MRC/DDS/DCF”.
Braintree Train Station to South Shore EHS Center – MRC / DDS / DCF
Departs every hour at 8:15 am to 4:15 pm Arrives 15 minutes later at center on the half hour.
South Shore EHS Center – MRC / DDS / DCF TO Braintree Train Station
Departs every hour at 8:45 am to 3:45 pm Arrives 15 minutes later at station on the hour.
Also departs 4:30 pm and arrives at 4:45 pm
Also departs 5:15 pm and arrives 5:30 PM
Services at MassAbility Braintree
To Learn More about Our Services
The first step in making a referral is to call our office at (781)356-8840 and speak to our receptionist. The receptionist will conduct a brief telephone inquiry, take your name and provide you with the date and time of our next Welcome Session.
Welcome Sessions are held most every Monday at 9:30 am. In a group setting, an overview of services is given and you will have an opportunity to ask questions about the Vocational Rehabilitation process. At the end of the group session each individual who is interested in applying for services may meet individually with a counselor to complete the referral process.
Any individual with a disability and a desire to work may apply for services. Our services are designed to assist individuals with disabilities to make informed choices about work. Our mission is to provide vocational counseling and other support services to adults with disabilities to assist in obtaining and/or retaining employment.
Special Services available:
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services for people with all types of hearing loss - Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late deafened or have a hearing or vestibular disability.
- Counseling and advocacy services for dealing with issues facing Deaf and Hard of Hearing people on the job or in training.
- Communication access services including sign language interpreting and Communication Access Realtime Technology (CART) services.
- Assistive Technology services such as special devices for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people on the job or in training.
- If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a hearing or vestibular disability, you will be assigned to a Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing knowledgeable of deaf culture, specialized needs of the community.
- For Deaf and Hard of Hearing callers using the videophone please contact Launa Fields-Ryan - VP# 617-934-1359 or Julie Proud-Ray - VP# 617-934-1361.
Services to the Asian Communities: The Braintree counseling staff includes individuals who speak Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and Vietnamese.
For dates and times for the following Information Sessions and Workshops
Call us at (781) 356-8840
MRC Informational Seminar
- Weekly Orientation Sessions held on Mondays at 9:30 a.m. except holidays
- Sign up is required
- Learn about MRC the eligibility process and our services
- Decide if you would like to proceed with our services.
Job Placement Workshops:
Resumes and Cover Letters
- Level 1: This Workshop provides you with tools and resources to learn how to develop and write your resume and cover letter. You will leave here with samples resumes and the tools to start writing your own.
- Level 2: This is for individuals who already have a resume and cover letter but want to learn how to tailor them to a job. Staff will be discussing why this is important and how to pick out the key parts. BRING: a resume, cover letter, and job description you are interested in applying to.
Interview Skills
This workshop will focus on teaching you the successful parts of an interview; phone screen, and preparing to succeed in answering questions. We will provide sample inter-view questions used by real employers and explain how the employer is evaluating your answers.
Job Search Success
Did you know 80% of job openings aren’t posted? This workshop focuses on tools and resources to successfully job search. Office experts will explain the art of networking and the hidden job market.
Mock Interviews
This workshop will provide you with the op-opportunity to engage in a practice interview to prepare for work. Get real experience practicing answering those sticky questions and feedback on how to improve! BRING: Resume, Cover Letter, and References
Surviving the Workplace: Do’s and Don’ts s for Success!
This workshop focuses on the rules of the workplace that aren’t always in the hand-book. How do you handle calling in sick? What if you have a conflict with a coworker or a boss? Learn what helps you to be successful in navigating your new work environment.
Accessibility at MassAbility Braintree
Four HP parking spots in front of building.This office is fully accessible.