Date: | 05/03/2021 |
Organization: | Department of Public Utilities |
Docket Number: | 20-150-A |
Referenced Sources: | DPU 20-150 FileRoom Docket Information |
On December 10, 2020, the Department ("DPU) opened this investigation to revise its Guidelines to incorporate changes in laws and Department policies and experience concerning energy efficiency ("EE"). Order Opening Investigation, D.P.U 20-150 (December 10, 2020). In that Order, the Department presented proposed edits to the Guidelines (“Straw Proposal”) with seven categories of revisions: (1) incorporation of directives set forth in previous Department Orders related to cost effectiveness, annual energy efficiency surcharge (“EES”) changes, and program planning and administration (“PP&A”) costs; (2) the mid term modification process; (3) demonstration projects; (4) the three year term report template; (5) the application of evaluation study results; (6) the calculation of the EES; and (7) additional revisions.
The Department sought written comments on the Straw Proposal with an initial comment submission deadline of January 19, 2021, and a reply comment submission deadline of February 3, 2021. The Department received comments from the following entities: the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office (“Attorney General”); Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (“DOER”); the Program Administrators; Acadia Center, Conservation Law Foundation, Clean Water Action, Green Energy Consumers Alliance, Health Care Without Harm, Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter, and Metropolitan Area Planning Council (collectively, “Joint Commenters”); Low Income Energy Affordability Network, Low Income Weatherization and Fuel Assistance Program Network, and the Massachusetts Energy Directors Association (collectively, the “Low Income Network”); the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (“NEEP”); Opower; and the Northeast Clean Energy Council (“NECEC”). The Department appreciates the thoughtful comments and participation of the interested stakeholders.
Following receipt of public comments and with this Order in D.P.U. 20-150-A, the Department herein updates its Guidelines for use during the 2022-2024 three year plan review process. Unless otherwise indicated, the Department will apply the Guidelines as approved in Investigation by the Department of Public Utilities on its own Motion into Updating its Energy Efficiency Guidelines, D.P.U. 11‑120‑A, Phase II (2013) to the 2019‑2021 three‑year plan.