The Executive Office of Aging & Independence envisions a state in which every person has the tools, resources, and support they need to fully embrace the aging experience. Together, we support aging adults to live and thrive, safely and independently— how and where they want.
What would you like to do?
Additional Resources
Find Your Senior Center
Senior centers are community hubs for socialization, classes, outreach, and more!
Find Your Aging Services Access Point
Contact your ASAP to connect with services that can help you or your loved one age in the community.
Assisted Living Residences
Learn about Assisted Living and if it's the right option for you or your loved one.
Connect with the Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Ombudsman provide support to older adults living in nursing homes, rest homes, or assisted living residences.
Age-Friendly Massachusetts
Explore what Massachusetts is doing to build communities where we can grow up and older together.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
Find services, information, and resources for people living with dementia and their caregivers.
About the Office
The Executive Office of Aging & Independence provides quality aging-related resources, tools, and support through a network of regional non-profit agencies and municipal agencies across the state. The Agency partners with providers, caregivers, and the 1.7 million older adults in Massachusetts to help individuals live and thrive throughout the aging process.
Contact Us
Call Specialist available Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (interpreter services are available in 100+ languages)
10th floor
Boston, MA 02108