Professional Conduct Rules
Rules of the Commission on Judicial Conduct

Professional Conduct Rules  Commission on Judicial Conduct Rule 6: Commission proceedings: Initial stages; general provisions

Effective Date: 09/01/2023
Updates: Amended, effective October 1, 1999 Amended May 8, 2007, effective July 1, 2007

Table of Contents

A. Initiation of proceeding

A Commission proceeding relating to the conduct of a judge is initiated when the Commission receives a written or oral complaint, or when the Commission by motion creates its own complaint; on the basis of reasonable information.

B. Screening

The Executive Director shall cause each complaint to be screened promptly upon its receipt. The screening may include communication with the complainant, if any, to clarify the contents of the complaint, but shall not include any investigation of the allegations set forth in the complaint.

C. Docketing and notification


If the Executive Director determines after screening that the complaint does not set forth facts concerning a judge's conduct which, if true, would constitute misconduct or disability within the Commission's jurisdiction, the Executive Director shall notify the complainant that the complaint will not be docketed or investigated by the Commission.


If the Executive Director determines after screening a complaint that it alleges specific facts which, if true, would constitute misconduct or disability within the Commissions s jurisdiction, the Executive Director shall docket the complaint.


Except as provided in Rules 6(D), 6(E), 6(F) and 6(G), the Executive Director shall notify the judge of the complaint promptly after it is docketed. Notification shall be by regular USPS mail, addressed to the judge's last known place of residence, unless the judge has requested a different mailing address, and to the judge’s last known official judicial email address. Except where notice of the complaint is delayed or withheld pursuant to Rule 6(G), the Executive Director shall not conduct any inquiry into or investigation of the complaint until notice has been sent to the judge.

D. Frivolous or unfounded complaints

If, on the basis of screening, the Executive Director is of the opinion that a docketed complaint is frivolous or unfounded, the Executive Director shall promptly recommend its dismissal to the Commission before notifying the judge of the complaint. If a majority of the Commission votes to dismiss the complaint, the Executive Director shall promptly notify the complainant, if any, of the dismissal and the judge of both the complaint and its dismissal. If a majority of the Commission does not vote to dismiss the complaint, except as provided in Rule 6(G), the Executive Director shall promptly notify the judge of the complaint in accordance with Rule 6(C)(3).

E. Stale complaints

When a complaint is docketed in which the allegations arise out of acts or omissions all occurring more than one year prior to the date the complaint was filed, the Executive Director shall, before notifying the judge of the complaint and before undertaking any inquiry or investigation of its allegations, make a recommendation to the Commission as to whether there exists good cause to investigate the complaint. If a majority of the Commission determines that there is not good cause to investigate the complaint, the complaint shall be dismissed without investigation, and the complainant, if any, as well as the judge, shall be so notified. If a majority of the Commission determines that there is good cause to investigate the complaint, except as provided in Rule 6(G), the Executive Director shall notify the judge of the complaint pursuant to Rule 6(C)(3). When a complaint alleges a pattern of recurring misconduct the last episode of which is alleged to have occurred less than one year prior to the filing of the complaint, a determination by the Commission of "good cause" pursuant to this Rule is not necessary.

F. Anonymous complaints

Following the docketing of an anonymous complaint pursuant to Rule 6(C)(2), the Executive Director shall not conduct any inquiry or investigation of it unless the Commission, upon the recommendation of the Executive Director, determines by majority vote that the allegations of the anonymous complaint would, if true, constitute misconduct or disability within the jurisdiction of the Commission, and the seriousness or the notoriety of the misconduct alleged outweighs the potential prejudicial effect of an investigation into the merits of the complaint. If the Commission does not make such a determination, the complaint shall be dismissed, and the Executive Director shall promptly notify the judge of both the complaint and its dismissal. If the Commission does make such a determination, except as provided in Rule 6(G), the Executive Director shall promptly notify the judge of the anonymous complaint in accordance with Rule 6(C)(3).

G. Withholding notification

If the Executive Director is of the opinion that, because of the nature of the complaint or the identity of the complainant, notification to the judge would create a substantial risk that evidence material to its investigation might be lost or destroyed, or that there is a substantial danger of reprisal or retaliation by the judge against the complainant or any other person mentioned in the complaint, the Executive Director shall recommend to the Commission that notice of the complaint to the judge be delayed or that notice of certain information in the complaint be delayed. No inquiry or investigation into the complaint beyond the screening process shall take place until the Commission has voted on the Executive Director's recommendation.


If a majority of the Commission does not vote to approve any delay in notifying the judge of the complaint in whole or in part, the Executive Director shall promptly notify the judge of the complaint in accordance with Rule 6(C)(2).


If a majority of the Commission determines that notice to the judge of the complaint in its entirety would create a substantial risk of lost or destroyed evidence or of reprisal, the Commission shall vote to approve the delay in notifying the judge of the complaint in whole or in part. If the Commission approves a delay in providing notice to the judge of any portion of the complaint, the Executive Director shall proceed with an investigation of the complaint pursuant to Rule 6H. If the Commission approves a delay in providing notice to the judge of certain information in the complaint such as the identity of the complainant, the Executive Director shall promptly notify the judge in accordance with Rule 6(C)(3) of all portions of the complaint for which no delay was approved before proceeding with any investigation.


Notice of a complaint may be delayed pursuant to this paragraph only until the Commission obtains the necessary evidence or the risk of reprisal ends.


The Commission shall take reasonable steps to insure that as much notice as possible of the complaint's allegations is provided to the judge at the earliest time feasible in accordance with this Rule.

H. Investigation

Unless a complaint is dismissed pursuant to Rule 6(D), 6(E) or 6(F), and except as provided in Rule 6G, after notice is given to the judge pursuant to Rule 6(C)(3), the Executive Director shall initiate a discreet and confidential investigation and evaluation of the complaint.

I. Request for Special Counsel

If in the course of an investigation the Executive Director concludes that Special Counsel is required, the Executive Director shall recommend that the Commission request the appointment of a Special Counsel by the Supreme Judicial Court. The Commission may also take such action upon its own motion.

J. Sworn complaint or statement of allegations

Within ninety (90) days after the initiation of proceedings, the Executive Director shall recommend to the Commission whether there is adequate reason to proceed to the preparation of a Sworn Complaint or Statement of Allegations.


The Commission shall so decide by majority vote.


If the Executive Director recommends that further investigation is necessary before making this determination, the Commission may vote to continue the investigation on a month-to-month basis.


If the Commission finds that there is sufficient cause to proceed, the complainant, if any, shall be asked to file a detailed, signed, Sworn Complaint against the judge. The Sworn Complaint shall state the facts constituting the alleged misconduct. Immediately upon receipt of the Sworn Complaint, the Executive Director shall make written acknowledgment thereof to the complainant.


When a Sworn Complaint is not obtained, a Statement of Allegations against the judge and the alleged facts forming their basis shall be prepared by the Executive Director. Where more than one act of misconduct is alleged, each act should be clearly set forth in the Sworn Complaint, or in the Statement of Allegations, as the case may be.


In any case where the judge has not yet been notified of the entire complaint pursuant to Rule 6(G), if the Commission determines by majority vote that there remains an ongoing danger of reprisal, the Sworn Complaint or the Statement of Allegations may be drafted so as to conceal the complainant's identity.

K. Same; service

The judge shall immediately be served with a copy of the Sworn Complaint or Statement of Allegations.

L. Same; answer

Within twenty-one (21) days after the service of the Sworn Complaint or the Statement of Allegations, the judge may file a written answer with the Executive Director and may request a personal appearance before the Commission, in lieu of or in addition to a written response. If the judge elects to appear personally, his or her statement shall be recorded.

M. Same; dismissal

After the judge's answer and personal appearance, if any, the Commission may terminate the proceeding and dismiss the complaint and, in that event, shall give notice to the judge and the complainant that it has found insufficient cause to proceed.

N. Same; amendment

Amendment of the allegations regarding the misconduct of a judge, whether presented to the Commission in a Sworn Complaint or in a Statement of Allegations, shall be permitted prior to a finding of sufficient cause, provided that notice thereof and an opportunity further to respond within twenty-one (21) days is given to the judge.

O. Right to counsel

The judge shall be entitled to counsel of the judge's own choice.

P. Right to compel attendance of witnesses and inspection of records

At any stage of the proceeding, the Commission or its designee may administer oaths or affirmations and shall be entitled to compel the attendance and testimony of witnesses, including the judge himself or herself, and the production of papers, books, accounts, documents, electronic recordings, other tangible things, or any other relevant evidence or testimony.


Upon receiving the Sworn Complaint or Statement of Allegations, the judge shall become entitled to compel by subpoena the attendance and testimony of witnesses through depositions, and to provide for the inspection of documents, books, accounts, written or electronically-recorded statements, and other records.


Witnesses may be interviewed, whether or not under oath and whether or not their statements are memorialized, without the presence of other participants. In other circumstances, statements may be taken as depositions, in accordance with Rule 9.

Q. Privilege

A complaint submitted to the Commission or its staff, or testimony with respect thereto, shall be absolutely privileged. No civil action predicated on the complaint shall be instituted against a complainant or a witness, or against counsel to either of them.

R. Recommendation concerning assignment

At any time the Commission may recommend to the Supreme Judicial Court, or to the Chief Justice of the Trial Court and the appropriate Chief Justice, the non-assignment or special assignment of a judge, pending the final disposition of a proceeding. The Commission shall state the reason for its recommendation. A copy of any such recommendation shall be sent by the Commission to the judge.

S. Consultation

In the course of a proceeding, the Commission may consult with the Chief Justice of the Trial Court and the appropriate Chief Justice about administrative matters.

T. Record of Commission proceedings

The Commission shall keep a record of all proceedings concerning a judge. The Commission's findings, conclusions and recommendations shall be entered in the record.

U. Extensions of time

The Chairman of the Commission may for good cause extend the time for the filing of an answer, discovery, commencement of a hearing, or transmittal of the Hearing Officer's report, and any other time limit set herein.


Enforcement of an agreement for Informal Adjustment shall be by the Commission, or, upon application by the Commission to the Supreme Judicial Court, by the Court.


Updates: Amended, effective October 1, 1999 Amended May 8, 2007, effective July 1, 2007

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