Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide

Find links to reference documents for owners and operators of marine boating facilities developed by the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

Marinas, yacht clubs, and boatyards provide critical services to the boating public—maintaining, mooring, fueling, storing, and launching vessels of all kinds. While modern facilities and efficient service are essential, clean water is a key attribute of successful boating-based businesses. The Massachusetts Clean Marina Guide, which was released by CZM in 2001, is designed as a reference for owners and operators of marine boating facilities, collectively referred to as “marinas.” It provides information on cost-effective strategies and practices to reduce marina and boating impacts on the coastal environment.

To order a hardcopy of the handbook, please email with your name and mailing address or call CZM Information Line at (617) 626-1212.

Links to Documents


Please contact Robin Lacey, CZM's Marina Technical Assistance Specialist, if you have any questions related to clean marinas.

Robin Lacey
(617) 890-9124

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