Here you can find information and documents related to the 91st Recruit Training Troop. Please check back regularly for updates.
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- This page, State Police 91st Recruit Training Troop, is offered by
- Massachusetts State Police
State Police 91st Recruit Training Troop
As documents become available, they will be posted to this page.
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Open PDF file, 222.2 KB, 91st RTT Candidate Letter (PDF 222.2 KB)
Open PDF file, 2.87 MB, 91st RTT Application (PDF 2.87 MB)
Open PDF file, 134.06 KB, RTT Disqualifications (PDF 134.06 KB)
Open PDF file, 144.1 KB, RTT Medical Appointment Notice (PDF 144.1 KB)
Open PDF file, 116.66 KB, RTT Medical Certification Form (PDF 116.66 KB)
Open PDF file, 117.16 KB, RTT Audiometric Screening Form (PDF 117.16 KB)
Open PDF file, 59.49 KB, RTT Demographic Sheet (PDF 59.49 KB)
Open PDF file, 192.73 KB, RTT HIPAA Privacy Notice (PDF 192.73 KB)
Open PDF file, 37.41 KB, RTT Physical Examination Form (PDF 37.41 KB)
Open PDF file, 49.34 KB, RTT Medical Record Sheet (PDF 49.34 KB)
Open PDF file, 199.98 KB, RTT Health History Form (PDF 199.98 KB)
Open PDF file, 42.97 KB, Directions to Quadrant (PDF 42.97 KB)
Operator available M-F 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Please call 911 for emergencies.
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