The motion, memorandum of law, record appendix, and any subsequently filed response and supplemental record appendix shall be filed electronically if the filing party is represented by counsel. A motion to waive the mandatory electronic filing requirement may be made in accordance with M.A.C. Rule 13.0(f). Self-represented litigants may file electronically, or may file a single paper original or duplicate in the office of the Clerk of the Appeals Court.
Service may be personal, by first-class mail or its equivalent, or electronically with the consent of the person served. Personal service includes delivery of the copy to a clerk or other responsible person at the office of the party's counsel. Service by first-class mail or its equivalent is complete on mailing. Registration for and use of the electronic filing system constitutes consent to electronic service, and such service is complete upon e-filing.
All filings, whether filed electronically or on paper, shall include a certificate of service. The certificate of service shall indicate service on all other parties in the case, and the appropriate trial court clerk's office from which the matter arose. The certificate of service shall set forth the name, address, email address, and telephone number of counsel or other persons upon whom service has been made, and specify the date and manner of service. The certificate of service shall identify the name of each party represented by counsel and specify the counsel who represents each party.
If a motion and supporting memorandum of law or a response is produced in a proportional font, an additional certificate of compliance with the length limit(s) is required and must include the name and size of the proportionally spaced font used, the number of non-excluded words, and the name and version of the word-processing program used.