MassDEP Mercury Information

Use this Guide to learn about mercury, understand its environmental and health effects, safely manage products and wastes that contain it, and find out what Massachusetts and other states in the region are doing to reduce mercury exposure.

Table of Contents

Mercury is Everywhere

Mercury is a naturally occurring metallic element that is toxic to people and the environment. It is found in many common items at home, school and work, including:

  • Fluorescent bulbs and tube lighting
  • Thermostats
  • Button cell batteries used in hearing aids, watches, and small devices
  • Antique thermometers, barometers, and some mirrors
  • Medical equipment such as blood pressure cuffs and fever thermometers
  • Skin lightening creams and soaps, antiseptics such as thimerosal or merbromin
  • Electronics with liquid-crystal display screens, such as computers and certain TVs that have backlit displays
  • Switches in automobiles made before 2003

Mercury won't harm you if it stays inside an item. But when a product containing it is broken, thrown in the trash, or poured down the drain, mercury accumulates in the environment, polluting air and water, and accumulating in fish.

  • Mercury most commonly poisons humans through:
    • Inhalation; by breathing invisible vapors
    • Ingestion; by eating contaminated fish
    • Dermal absorption; by touching mercury directly.
  • Protect yourself and your family by:
    • Avoid putting mercury-containing products in the trash or down the drain. Many communities have household hazardous waste collection events or sites where you can safely dispose of these items.  Learn more about where to dispose of mercury products and other household hazardous products at Recyclopedia.
    • Never touch spilled mercury. Keep people and pets away and open windows to ventilate the area. Don't sweep or vacuum spilled mercury up!  If a person or a pet has come into contact with mercury, contact a medical professional immediately.
    • Check product labels. Buy mercury-free alternatives whenever they are available.
    • Be aware of fish consumption advisories. Eating contaminated fish can be harmful for your health. See updated information here.

Environmental Effects of Mercury

Mercury can be found at low levels almost everywhere, but the burning of coal and trash have greatly increased its levels in the environment.

The environmental impacts of mercury can be local, or carried across whole regions or entire continents by the wind.

In lakes, ponds, and the ocean, mercury can be transformed by natural processes into a more toxic form called methylmercury, which enters the food chain when small organisms absorb it.

  • Fish. Small fish eat contaminated plankton and algae, then in turn are eaten by larger fish. Mercury accumulates and becomes concentrated in the predatory fish at levels of up to a million times higher than in the water they live in.
  • Other wildlife. For fish-eating creatures such as eagles, osprey, loons, turtles, mink and otters, mercury in the diet can cause weight loss, disrupt reproduction, and lead to early death.
  • A long-term problem. Once in the environment, mercury persists for a long time and never degrades into a harmless substance.

Because mercury persists for so long, it takes many years for mercury levels in fish to drop significantly. It is important to be aware of and follow fish consumption advisories.

Additional Resources   for Environmental Effects of Mercury

Health Effects of Mercury

There are several different forms of mercury. Some are more dangerous than others, but all are toxic.

Depending on type and amount, exposure to mercury can damage a person's nervous system, brain, kidneys, liver, and immune system.

  • Methylmercury is extremely poisonous and can damage the brain even at low levels. People may be exposed to this type of mercury by eating contaminated fish.
  • Elemental mercury, the silvery liquid found in some thermometers and switches, is most dangerous when inhaled and needs to be handled with care.

Children are most sensitive to mercury exposure, which can irreversibly damage their developing brains and nervous systems.

People who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant need to be careful, too, since fetuses and babies can be exposed to mercury from contaminated fish during pregnancy and through breast milk.

Additional Resources   for Health Effects of Mercury

Mercury Disposal and Clean Up

866-9MERCURY   For tips on how to dispose of mercury products safely and responsibly, call toll-free: 866-963-7287

For disposal of mercury-added products:

  • Call a collection site that is listed under Key Actions
  • Confirm that the site is actively collecting your item and specify if your item is broken or intact
  • Call the Mercury Products Voicemailbox at 866-963-7287 if a listed collection site’s information is incorrect

For advice on cleaning up broken lightbulbs or spilled mercury LESS THAN 2 TABLESPOONS: 

  • Review the Mercury Clean Up Guidance in Additional Resources
  • Call the Mercury Products Voicemailbox at 866-963-7287 if you have additional questions

For advice on cleaning up spilled liquid mercury that is MORE THAN 2 TABLESPOONS: 

  • Call your local fire department
  • OR call the 24/7 DEP Spill Hotline at 888-304-1133 for advice and assistance with cleaning
  • OR call 911

Additional Resources   for Mercury Disposal and Clean Up

Mercury Management Act

Signed into law in 2006, amended most recently in 2014, and embodied in M.G.L. Chapter 21H, Sections 6A-6N, the Mercury Management Act:

  • Bans the sale of specific products containing mercury;
  • Requires some manufacturers to notify the state of products with mercury content;
  • Directs schools and state government to stop purchasing mercury-containing items;
  • Requires end-of-life recycling for certain mercury-added products;
  • Establishes a program for removing mercury switches from vehicles; and
  • Prohibits disposal of mercury in trash and wastewater.

See the law and answers to common questions about its mercury product disposal ban provisions in Additional Resources below.

Additional Resources   for Mercury Management Act

MassDEP Regulations & Policies

Consistent with Mercury Management Act requirements, MassDEP has implemented regulations that:

  • Limit the sale and disposal of mercury-containing products,
  • Promote their safe management and recycling, and
  • Reduce environmental exposures to mercury.

Even before the 2006 law took effect, MassDEP required power plants to reduce mercury emissions and municipal waste combustion facilities to separate mercury-containing items from the loads of trash sent to them for disposal.

The agency has also issued policies and guidance to help regulated businesses and facilities comply with these rules.

See Additional Resources below to learn more.

Additional Resources   for MassDEP Regulations & Policies

Industry Reporting & Compliance

MassDEP reporting and certification requirements prevent mercury releases to the environment by ensuring proper end-of-life management of products that contain mercury.

Under the Mercury Management Act, the agency requires:

  • Manufacturers, recyclers, and shredders of vehicles to certify that they are managing vehicle switches and other mercury-containing wastes properly, and
  • Manufacturers of certain mercury-containing products to submit for each product sold in Massachusetts:
    (1) a notification to the Interstate Mercury Education and Recycling Clearinghouse (IMERC), and
    (2) a labeling plan, collection and recycling plan, and annual compliance certification to MassDEP.

Under other statutory authority, MassDEP requires:

  • Dental practices and clinics to certify that they are managing and recycling dental amalgam wastes properly, and
  • Municipal Waste Combustors to develop and implement plans for diverting mercury-containing products from the waste loads they accept for disposal.

See Key Actions below to learn more.

Key Actions   for Industry Reporting & Compliance

Additional Resources   for Industry Reporting & Compliance

Fish Monitoring & Advisories

MassDEP monitors contaminant levels in the edible tissues of freshwater fish and the Department of Public Health (DPH) issues advisories on eating fish taken from bodies of water across the state.

A fish consumption advisory:

  • Warns either the general population or a specific group of people - children under 12, people who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant, for example - not to eat fish or to limit how much they eat.
  • Is based on a conservative estimate of how much fish a person can likely eat without experiencing any adverse health effects.
  • Addresses one or more certain species of fish taken from a specific local body of water by sport and subsistence fishermen.

Read advisories carefully. Even fish you buy from a store or market can contain mercury. Be sure to buy only from reputable sellers and ask ask about the origin of their catches.

See Key Actions and Additional Resources below for more information.

Key Actions   for Fish Monitoring & Advisories

Additional Resources   for Fish Monitoring & Advisories

Regional Initiatives

Massachusetts is not alone in sounding the alarm about mercury and taking concrete steps to reduce its presence in the environment.

At least 40 states, including all six in New England, have found fish with elevated levels of mercury in their lakes and ponds.

Massachusetts, other Northeastern states, and eastern Canadian provinces together have developed and are implementing a regional action plan to reduce mercury in products and the environment.

Specifically, these jurisdictions have:

  • Phased out mercury use in certain products, such as batteries,
  • Imposed more stringent limits on industrial discharges and emissions, and
  • Spurred the development of better pollution control technologies.

As a result, there have been significant reductions in mercury emitted to the air and discharged to streams and lakes over the last couple of decades.

Massachusetts also was a founding member of the Interstate Mercury Education and Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC), launched in 2001 to provide:

  • Ongoing technical and program assistance to states that have enacted mercury education and reduction legislation, and
  • A single point of contact for industry and the public to learn about mercury-added products and member states' mercury programs.

Massachusetts is one of 13 IMERC member states. The others are Connecticut, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington.

See Additional Resources below to learn more.

Additional Resources   for Regional Initiatives

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