Water Conservation for MA Residents

Water conservation – it all starts at home. Visit this section for an interactive Home Water Use Calculator, rundown of common indoor and outdoor water uses and guide to reading your water bill.

Table of Contents

Home Water Use Calculator


How much water do you and your family use each day and how can you be more efficient?  Click on this water use calculator to find out! 

Indoor and Outdoor Water Use

From washing your dishes to taking a shower to watering your lawn, you use water both in and outside your home. Click on the sections below for simple tips to conserve water indoors and outdoors.


What we really pay for when we pay for water

Most of us don’t see all the work it takes to move water from a source (a reservoir or well), through treatment to make it safe to drink, then into pipes through your town and into your home. When you pay your water bill, it helps cover the costs of the pipes, power, processes and people it takes to get water to your home. Scroll down for guides on understanding your water bill and water rates.   

What we really pay for when we pay for water

Download this infographic: What We Really Pay for When We Pay for Water.

Understanding Your Water Bill and Water Rates

Do you know how to read your water bill?  That’s the first step to understanding how water conservation saves you money.  

understanding your water rates
 Start Here Start Here

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