Water Conservation for Municipalities

Municipal water suppliers and commissioners, planners, conservation commissions and land-use board members all have a role to play in protecting and conserving water. Scroll down to find links to guidance and resources for incorporating water conservation into various municipal roles and responsibilities, as well as a library of customizable social media products.

Table of Contents

Suppliers and Water Commissioners


Whether you manage a water system for a large city or a small town, you’ll find tools and resources in this section for planning and implementing an effective water conservation program.

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Planners, Conservation Commissions & Land Use Boards

decorative photo of a map

Planning and Zoning Boards, Conservation Commissions, and their staff: you have an important role to play in making sure enough clean water is available in your community – for both people and the environment.
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School, Recreation and Facilities Managers

School kids washing hands in the sink

One of the most effective ways to encourage local water conservation efforts is to lead by example. Witnessing best water conservation practices in action in and around municipally managed properties will encourage local citizens and business owners to do the same.
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Library of Social Media Products

These materials are free to download and share. Communities should feel free to customize these outreach materials. Make them your own by adding your town or program’s name or logo to these graphics

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