Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

Do you wish to move household goods within Massachusetts? First, you will need to get operating authority from the Department of Public Utilities (DPU).
All completed applications received each month will be scheduled for a public hearing on the second Tuesday of the next month.

Department of Public Utilities Transportation Oversight Division

The Details   of Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

What you need   for Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

Type of business Document(s) you will need to submit
An individual proprietorship None
An individual proprietorship operating under a d/b/a A certified copy of the business certificate filed with the city or town clerk
A partnership A certified copy of the business certificate filed with the city or town clerk
A corporation incorporated in Massachusetts A certified copy of the articles of incorporation from the Massachusetts Secretary of State
A foreign corporation incorporated under the law of another state A certified copy of foreign corporation approval to do business in Massachusetts from the Secretary of State and a certified copy of corporation papers from the home state

Fees   for Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

The Department now accepts online payments through Catalis or by mail.

  • $100 filing fee for the application
  • $40 for each initial vehicle identification decal
  • $100 filing fee for business tariff

How to apply   Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

You can fill and submit your household goods mover application online and pay fees through Catalis.  Forms can be found in the Downloads section below.

To submit an online application, you will need to fill out the form using Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, include what attachments you have available, and submit the form using the red button at the bottom of the form.  You will also need to pay required fees through Catalis or by check or money order mailed to the Department.  Please note that paying fees by mail will delay processing.

You can fill out the application form and submit it to the Department along with a check or money order payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  Forms can be found in the Downloads section below.

More info   for Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

  • All completed applications received each month will be scheduled for a public hearing on the second Tuesday of the next month.
    • You will be notified by email the date and time of your hearing.
    • Your application must be complete to be scheduled for a hearing.
    • The principal owner of the business is required to attend the hearing.
    • You have 60 days following the date of the hearing to supply all of the documents needed to get Department operating authority.
      • The required documents are provided below in the Required Documents section.
      • You can attach required documents to your application or submit them within the 60 day period following your hearing.
  • Every year, after obtaining Department operating authority, you are required to submit current proof of insurance and a renewal decal application.
    • A renewal decal application will be generated by our system and sent to you.  There is no online form at this time.
  • You are required to file an updated tariff at any time there is a change in your rates and fees.
    • Each update to your tariff requires a $100 filing fee.  This can be paid by Catalis or mail.

Required Documents

Along with your application, you are required to submit the following documents before the Department can grant operating authority:

  • Proof of registered business
  • Balance sheet
  • Certificate of insurance
  • Tariff
    • There is a $100 fee per tariff
  • Department decal application
    • There is $40 fee per vehicle

Note on Forms

Be sure to save and open Division forms using Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.  Opening forms directly in your browser disables form features like adding attachments, digital signatures, and submitting by email.

Downloads   for Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

Contact   for Apply to be a household goods mover in Massachusetts

Department of Public Utilities Transportation Oversight Division
One South Station, 3rd floor, Boston, MA 02110

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