Request environmental assistance for a new or expanding business

The Right from the Start program offers support to new or expanding businesses to help entrepreneurs and business owners understand permitting requirements, identify ways to maximize production efficiency, and minimize use of toxic or hazardous chemicals.

Office of Technical Assistance and Technology (OTA)

The Details   of Request environmental assistance for a new or expanding business

How to request   Request environmental assistance for a new or expanding business

By email: You can send a confidential email to our office at with:

  1. A brief (1-2 sentences) description of your expanding facility or new business
  2. Your questions or areas of interest (like permitting or other compliance topics, energy efficiency, renewable energy, water conservation, or pollution prevention)

Call OTA at (617) 626-1060 to be connected with someone on our team for further discussion of your needs and questions.

More info   for Request environmental assistance for a new or expanding business

OTA offers the Right from the Start program to provide Massachusetts businesses with the technical and regulatory support needed to maximize environmental and economic performance. It is especially designed to encourage businesses seeking to expand or start new manufacturing operations to meet regulatory requirements by designing pollution out of the process before the construction or modification phase.

While better environmental designs may require an initial investment, the reduced toxics and materials use, and  reduced environmental liability costs often lead to savings in the long-term.

Through the Right from the Start program, OTA aims to reduce the business costs associated with environmental pollution and worker health and safety hazards, thereby improving the competitive advantage of Massachusetts companies.

Right from the Start offers:

  • OTA’s confidential and free environmental assistance for businesses
  • Information on current regulatory requirements
  • Access to training and business mentoring organizations like the Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) at UMass Lowell and the Central Massachusetts Business Environmental Network (CMBEN)
  • Access to state and federal funding opportunities and other incentive programs, including industry grants from the Toxics Use Reduction Institute and state-sponsored energy efficiency incentive programs from local utilities.
  • Free technical support for equipment evaluation.
  • Information on applied green chemistry practices, pollution prevention, and cleaner production technologies.

Contact   for Request environmental assistance for a new or expanding business

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