Request rare species information

Site specific rare species information can be requested for regulatory review projects, habitat management, or conservation purposes.
You will receive a written response within 30 days of receipt of all information required.

Regulatory Review Contact Information

MassWildlife's Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program

The Details   of Request rare species information

What you need   for Request rare species information

To receive a list of state-listed species that coincides with a particular property you will need to send us a Request for State-listed Species Form, the fee, and a map showing the location of the property. The fee is not required if the request is for conservation or habitat management purposes and you are a non-profit conservation group, government agency or are working with a government agency.

This form should also be used if you need a comment letter for presence/absence of species for a Division of Conservation Services (DCS) Grant application.

Fees   for Request rare species information

Name Fee Unit
Request for State-listed Species Form $50 per form

How to request   Request rare species information

Submit your Request for State-listed Species Form, fee and other required information online using MassWildlife's Heritage Hub

Please mail the Request for State-listed Species Form, map and fee (if applicable). Checks should be made payable to Comm. of MA - NHESP.  If your request is for conservation or habitat management purposes and you are a non-profit conservation group, government agency or are working with a government agency, then no fee is required. You can email the form and map to

Next steps   for Request rare species information

Response from NHESP

Within 30 days of receiving a request, we will provide a response letter with a list of state-listed species that coincides with the area you've marked on the map submitted.

Contact   for Request rare species information

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