Register for an account
From the Heritage Hub homepage, click on the LOGIN/REGISTER button. First-time users need to create their account including a username, password, name, and email address.
Organizations can create accounts and invite their employees to join for a more collaborative experience. For more information on how to create an Organization Account, please see our Heritage Hub Help Documentation.
Internet Browsers
- Ensure you have the latest version of your web browser installed. Older versions may not support all system functionality.
- Internet Explorer is considered deprecated and therefore not a supported browser for this application.
- Note: The browser extension Grammarly has been identified as incompatible with the date fields in the system and causes the application to crash. Please be sure to turn off this extension when using Heritage Hub.
Additional Resources
Open PDF file, 2.01 MB, Heritage Hub Help Documentation (PDF 2.01 MB)
Report Observations
The Heritage Hub allows you to:
Additional Resources
Bulk Upload Observations
The Heritage Hub application allows you to bulk create Plant, Animal, or Natural Community observation forms. To successfully upload your observation reports, including negative data, you must use one of the preformatted template spreadsheets.
For more information on bulk upload see our Heritage Hub Help Documentation or refer to the example spreadsheets below.
Additional Resources
Open XLSM file, 97.51 KB, Plant Observation Bulk Upload TEMPLATE (XLSM 97.51 KB)
Open XLSM file, 100.18 KB, EXAMPLE Plant Observation Bulk Upload (XLSM 100.18 KB)
Open XLSM file, 76.21 KB, EXAMPLE Animal Observation Bulk Upload (XLSM 76.21 KB)
Open PDF file, 2.01 MB, Heritage Hub Help Documentation (PDF 2.01 MB)
MESA Filings
The Heritage Hub allows you to: