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Location Listing
Showing 1 - 8 of 10 results for Independent Living Centers Locations
Boston Center for Independent Living
- Wheelchair Accessible
60 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111 DirectionsThe Boston Center for Independent Living is a frontline civil rights organization led by people with disabilities that advocates to eliminate discrimination, isolation and segregation by providing advocacy, information and referral, peer support, skills training, PCA services, and transitional services in order to enhance the independence of people with disabilities.Phone(617) 338-6665-
Monday:9:00 am-5:00 pm
Southeast Center for Independent Living
- Wheelchair Accessible
66 Troy St, Fall River, MA 02720 DirectionsThe Philosophy of Independent Living maintains that individuals with disabilities have the right to choose services and make decisions for themselves. Ultimately individuals with disabilities have the right to live the life they choose.
Southeast Center for Independent Living (SCIL) firmly holds this belief at its foundation and it is the guiding principle in all of SCIL’s policies and operations.
SCIL offers various programs, information, and support to help individuals with disabilities achieve their goals, experience personal growth, and be able to participate fully in community life.Phone508-679-9210-
Monday:9:00 am-5:00 pm
215 North Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 DirectionsAdLib’s main office is located at 215 North Street in Pittsfield, MA. This location is centrally located in Berkshire County and is adjacent to Berkshire County’s Inter-modal Transportation Center. This allows for public transportation to and from the center’s activities.Phone413 442-7047-
Monday - Friday:9:00 am-5:00 pm
Cape Organization for Rights of the Disabled (CORD)
- Wheelchair Accessible
765 Attucks Lane, Hyannis, MA 02601 DirectionsPhone508-775-8300-
Monday - Friday:9:00 am-5:00 pm
Center for Living & Working
- Wheelchair Accessible
18 Chestnut St Suite 540, Worcester, MA 01608 DirectionsThe Center for Living & Working is a non-profit independent living center which empowers persons with disabilities to take active roles in their lives and in the community in which they live. Center for Living & Working is driven by the belief that people with disabilities must always be equal members of society with equal access. Center for Living & Working services are available to anyone with a disability.
Because Center for Living & Working takes its direction from persons with disabilities, and is federally recognized as the Central MA independent living center, at least 51% of the staff are individuals with disabilities. We can help you determine how Center for Living & Working can be of assistance, or refer you to someone else who can provide support.Phone508-798-0350-
Monday:8:30 am-4:30 pm
Disability Resource Center
27 Congress Street, Suite 107, Salem, MA 01970 DirectionsThe ILCNSCA is located in historic Salem Mass. Our offices overlook Salem harbor where we enjoy the sights and sounds of the ocean.Phone978-741-0077-
Monday - Friday:9:00 am-5:00 pm
Independence Associates
100 Laurel Street, Suite 122, East Bridgewater, MA 02333 DirectionsFormer Shaw’s Supermarkets headquarters. Over 10,000 square feet of accessible office space located on the main floor level of the building.Phone508-583-2166-
Monday - Tuesday:8:45 am-5:00 pm
Wednesday:8:45 am-5:00 pm
Thursday - Friday:8:45 am-5:00 pm
MetroWest Center for Independent Living
- Wheelchair Accessible
1 Clarks Hill, Suite 200 , Framingham, MA 01702 DirectionsMetroWest Center for Independent Living provides an array of independent living services that enable people with disabilities to live in the community. The center was created by people with disabilities seeking full integration into society. We empower people with disabilities by teaching the practical skills and confidence to take control over their lives and become active members of the communities in which they live. We promote access and change within society while advocating for programs and services needed by people of all ages with a wide range of disabilities. MWCIL is a consumer‑controlled, community‑based, cross‑disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency.
If you have a disability, live within our area (26 towns in the Metrowest section of Massachusetts), and have needs, goals, or barriers related to living independently, then contact us at 508-875-7853.Phone508-875-7853-
Monday:9:00 am-5:00 pm