1. Overview
According to D.P.U. 11-11-C there may only be 1 net metering facility per parcel of land, interconnected with the electric distribution system at a single point, behind a single meter. However, in D.P.U. 17-22-A, the DPU approved 2 blanket exceptions, which allow for more than 1 net metering facility per parcel of land, if the applicants meet specific criteria. The requirements to qualify for each blanket exception are listed below.
What you need to proceed
To fill out an application you will need:
- A copy of the deed filed with the Registry of Deeds for the parcel of land on which the facilities will be located;
- A drawing or diagram showing:
- each facility’s nameplate capacity in kilowatts (kW) alternating current (AC),
- the location of each net metering facility in relation to the parcel boundaries, and
- each facility’s technology type clearly identified;
- Information for each net metering facility expecting to qualify for the exception such as the nameplate capacity in kW AC, technology type, cap allocation status with MassACA, if applicable, and status of the facility’s interconnection; and
- A copy of the blanket exception signature sheet signed by all host customers.
The form and all supporting documents will become public information once submitted to the DPU. Please exclude confidential information, such as utility account numbers, when filling out the application.
Receipt of a blanket exception does not guarantee either the interconnection of or cap allocations for the net metering facilities. The host customer is responsible for knowing and complying with all applicable federal, state, and municipal rules and regulations.
2. Rooftop cap exempt blanket exception
To qualify for the rooftop cap exempt blanket exception, all of the following conditions must be met:
- The net metering facilities must be participating in the general net metering program, not the Small Hydro Program;
- The net metering facilities must be located on rooftops. Note that facilities may be located on different rooftops on the same parcel of land;
- The aggregate nameplate capacity of all of the net metering facilities on the parcel of land must be 10 kW AC or less on single-phase circuit or 25 kW AC or less on three-phase circuit;
- Each net metering facility must have a separate revenue meter; and
- Each facility must have at least submitted an interconnection application with the electric distribution company and received a communication from the electric distribution company stating that the application is complete.
“A cap exempt facility has a nameplate rating of 10 kW or less on a single-phase circuit or 25 kW or less on a three-phase circuit.”
3. Multiple technologies blanket exception
To qualify for the multiple technologies blanket exception, all of the following conditions must be met:
- The net metering facilities must be participating in the general net metering program, not the Small Hydro Program;
- The net metering facilities must be fueled by renewable energy technologies;
- There may be no more than 1 type of each renewable energy technology per parcel of land (e.g., one wind, one solar, and one anaerobic digester);
- If any of the net metering facilities are in the private cap, the aggregate nameplate capacity of all the net metering facilities on the parcel of land may not exceed 2 megawatts (“MW”) OR if all the net metering facilities are in the public cap, the aggregate nameplate capacity of all the net metering facilities on the parcel of land may not exceed 10 MW;
- Each net metering facility must have a separate revenue meter; and
- Each facility must have at least submitted an interconnection application with the electric distribution company and received a communication from the electric distribution company stating that the application is complete.
“To qualify, there may be no more than 1 type of each renewable energy technology per parcel of land.”
4. Frequent errors when filling out blanket exception applications
When filling out a blanket exception application, please ensure that:
- all the people that you want to be notified about the application have their email addresses listed on the "contact information" page of the application,
- you provide a facility drawing or diagram for each of the net metering facilities,
- the nameplate capacity of all of the individual net metering facilities equals the aggregate nameplate capacity listed on the application, and
- when determining whether a net metering facility is cap exempt or not, you are using the nameplate capacity in AC.