The following are lists of individuals who filed disclosures with the Ethics Commission in 2012, organized by sections of G.L. c. 268A, the Conflict of Interest Law. Disclosures are public records.
For more information, or to view a specific disclosure, contact the Ethics Commission at (617) 371-9500. To search filers by name, use the CTRL-F (Apple-F) function on your keyboard.
Please note: The dates of disclosures listed below reflect the dates the documents were received by the State Ethics Commission. Although we make every effort to ensure this list is accurate and up-to-date, this list is subject to correction.
Section 1(o)(2)(a) - Disclosure of Special State Employee Status
Anderson, Stephen | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Batt, Kevin | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Bowman, John | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Caretta, Richard | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Cook, Nina Pickering | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Derby, John | Gaming Commission | Group Trainer and Facilitator | August 2012 |
Epps, Michael | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Grauer, Julian | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Griffin, Christine | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Gushin, Frederick | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Hall, George | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Ingis, Steve | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Krokidas, Maria; Nagler, Samuel; Bluestein, Richard M.; Parker, Barbara; Ross, Elizabeth C.; Cochrane Murphy, Kathryn; Holtzman, Paul | Multiple Agencies | Outside Counsel | June 2012 |
Lahey, George | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Makarious, Mina | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Marlin, Wayne | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
McHugh, James | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | May 2012 |
McHugh, James | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | July 2012 |
Olson, George | Gaming Commission | Consultant | May 2012 |
Pollock, Michael | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Weinert, Joseph | Gaming Commission | Consultant | July 2012 |
Zimmer, Ethan | Massport | Consultant | July 2012 |
Section 6 - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Particular Matter
Anderson, Stephen | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Batt, Kevin | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Benevides, Linda | Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs | Engineer | August 2012 |
Bigby, JudyAnn | Executive Office of Health and Human Services | Secretary | November 2012 |
Birdsell, Stacy | MATCH Charter Public School | Director of Training | July 2012 |
Block, Jennifer | MATCH Charter Public School | General Counsel | May 2012 |
Blood, Elizabeth | Salem State University | Professor | August 2012 |
Blosh, Christopher | Bridgewater State University | Professor | May 2012 |
Boulanger, Jason | Department of Public Health | Grants Management Specialist | March 2012 |
Bowman, John | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Brady, Thomas | Bridgewater State University | Professor | October 2012 |
Braun, Edward* | Bridgewater State University | Professor | May 2012 |
Braun, Edward | Bridgewater State University | Professor | November 2012 |
Braun, Edward | Bridgewater State University | Professor | December 2012 |
Burton, Wayne | North Shore Community College | President | February 2012 |
Cameron, Gayle* | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | June 2012 |
Cameron, Gayle | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | July 2012 |
Carberry, Gail | Quinsigamond Community College | President | April 2012 |
Carretta, Richard | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Carroll, Robert | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Cofoni, Peter | Department of Children and Families | Social Worker | October 2012 |
Cohn, Robert | Greenfield Community College | Chairman, Board of Trustees | February 2012 |
Costello, Eileen | Mount Wachusett Community College | Dean | January 2012 |
Costello, Eileen | Mount Wachusett Community College | Dean | March 2012 |
Cowan, Carole | Middlesex Community College | President | February 2012 |
Crosby, Stephen | Gaming Commission | Chairman | June 2012 |
Davis, Jonathan | MBTA | Acting General Manager | May 2012 |
DeGabriele, Steven | Department of Environmental Protection | Director, Business Compliance Division | April 2012 |
Demerle, Matthew | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Fiscal Policy Analyst | November 2012 |
Dickerson, Kim* | MBTA | Paratransit Contract Administrator | March 2012 |
Dolven, Sarah | Leverett School Committee | Member | June 2012 |
Donahue-Rodriguez, Angel | Board of Higher Education | Member | January 2012 |
Dufresne, Francis | Westfield State University | Professor | January 2012 |
Eberwein-Turner, Anna | Norfolk Public Schools | Acting Director of Student Services | August 2012 |
Epps, Michael | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Fennell, Robert | House of Representatives | State Representative | January 2012 |
Field, Martha | Greenfield Community College | Professor | October 2012 |
Fifield, Mary | Bunker Hill Community College | President | February 2012 |
Frager, Steven | Department of Public Health | Physician III | October 2012 |
Freeland, Robert | Department of Higher Education | Commissioner | February 2012 |
Freshman, Lynda | Office of the Attorney General | Legal Analyst-Mediator | October 2012 |
Gleason, Walter | Bridgewater State University | Professor | November 2012 |
Gleason, Walter | Bridgewater State University | Professor | December 2012 |
Glenn, Lane | North Essex Community College | President | February 2012 |
Gold, Eric | Attorney General's Office | Assistant Attorney General | September 2012 |
Goldstein, Michael | MATCH Charter Public School | Chief Design Officer | July 2012 |
Gonzalez, Jay* | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Secretary | November 2012 |
Gonzalez, Jay | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Secretary | December 2012 |
Gonzalez Nieto, David | Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | SEI PD Coordinator | February 2012 |
Gooch, Kristin | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Gorzkowicz, Matthew | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Undersecretary | February 2012 |
Gorzkowicz, Matthew | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Undersecretary | April 2012 |
Grauer, Julian | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Griffin, Christine | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Griffin, Christine | Executive Office of Health and Human Services | Assistant Secretary | November 2012 |
Grossman, Steven | Office of the State Treasurer | State Treasurer | March 2012 |
Gushlin, Frederic | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Gutlemer, Orin | MATCH Charter Public School | Director | July 2012 |
Hains, Rebecca | Salem State University | Professor | February 2012 |
Hall, George | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Holland, Mia | Bridgewater State University | Professor | November 2012 |
Holland, Mia | Bridgewater State University | Professor | December 2012 |
Hudson, Christopher | Salem State University | Professor | June 2012 |
Hurley, Mike | Bridgewater State University | Professor | September 2012 |
Ingis, Steven | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Irizarry, Jose | Westfield State University | Professor | August 2012 |
Itterly, Kathleen | Westfield State University | Professor | January 2012 |
Itterly, Kathleen | Westfield State University | Professor | September 2012 |
Jahoda, John | Bridgewater State University | Professor | May 2012 |
Jeffko, Walter | Fitchburg State University | Professor | April 2012 |
Jensen, Abigail | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Assistant Professor | October 2012 |
Jones, Keith | Department of Veteran Services | Director of Operations | May 2012 |
Jordan, Scott | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Assistant Secretary | November 2012 |
Knovak, William | Essex County | Shellfish Constable | January 2012 |
Knutsen, Sheryl | International Institute of Greater Lawrence Inc. | Coordinator | May 2012 |
Kurland, Jacquie | University of Massachusetts at Amherst | Assistant Professor | March 2012 |
Lahey, William | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Lahann, Randall | MATCH Charter Public School | Director of Curriculum & Assessment | July 2012 |
Leone, James | Bridgewater State University | Professor | March 2012 |
Leone, James | Bridgewater State University* | Professor | May 2012 |
Leschly, Stig | MATCH Charter Public Schools | Chief Executive Officer | May 2012 |
Letchford, John | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Chief Information Officer | October 2012 |
Lewis, Scott | Gaming Commission | Outside Counsel | June 2012 |
Li, Geng-Lin | University of Massachusetts at Amherst | Assistant Professor | March 2012 |
Li, Geng-Lin | University of Massachusetts at Amherst | Assistant Professor | October 2012 |
Lowell, Nathaniel | Woods Hole Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship Authority | Port Council Member | March 2012 |
Mahajam, Laura | MATCH Charter Public School | Adjunct Professor | July 2012 |
Makarious, Mina | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Marlin, Wayne | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
McClure, Christine | Cape Cod Community College | Sociology Instructor | June 2012 |
McDonough, Gerald | Auditor's Office | Deputy Auditor for Legal and Policy | August 2012 |
McGovern, Barbara | Department of Public Health | Infectious Disease Specialist | October 2012 |
McHugh, James | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | June 2012 |
Michael, Guy | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Miller, Kevin George | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Fiscal Policy Analyst | March 2012 |
Miller, Kevin George | Executive Office for Administration and Finance | Fiscal Policy Analyst | May 2012 |
Mohler-Faria, Dana | Bridgewater State University | Professor | May 2012 |
Moreau, Thomas | Office of the Speaker of the House | Policy Advisor on Education & Local Aid | June 2012 |
Mudge, Steven* | MBTA | Senior Director | May 2012 |
Murphy, Bernard | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Murray, Rick | Boston University | Professor | September 2012 |
Nims McLellan, Carolyn | Greenfield Community College | Professor Emerita | May 2012 |
Nims McLellan, Carolyn | Greenfield Community College | Professor Emerita | November 2012 |
Nosal, Jed* | Attorney General's Office | Assistant Attorney General | April 2012 |
Olsen, George | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
O'Toole, Kathleen | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Papargiris, David | Attorney General's Office | Director of Computer Forensics Laboratory | October 2012 |
Perez, Enrique* | Housing and Economic Development | Chief of Staff to the Secretary | February 2012 |
Phelps, Julia* | Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | Associate Commissioner for Curriculum and Instruction | February 2012 |
Phelps, Julia | Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | Associate Commissioner for Curriculum and Instruction | April 2012 |
Pickering Cook, Nina | Gaming Commission | Consultant | June 2012 |
Pollock, Michael | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Pura, Robert | Greenfield Community College | President | February 2012 |
Quinn, James | Arts for Youth-Teens, Bridgewater | Founder/Director | June 2012 |
Ranney, H. Flint | Nantucket County Commissioners | Commissioner | February 2012 |
Reilly, Janice | Gaming Commission | Chief of Staff | June 2012 |
Ribas, William | Fitchburg State University | Professor | February 2012 |
Ribas, William | Fitchburg State University | Professor | August 2012 |
Ribas, William* | Fitchburg State University | Professor | November 2012 |
Ribas, William | Fitchburg State University | Professor | December 2012 |
Riley, Jeffrey | Lawrence Public Schools | Receiver | March 2012 |
Robichaud, Denise | Quinsigamond Community College | Professor | November 2012 |
Simmons, Thomas | Greenfield Community College | Professor | October |
Sliby, Kenneth | MBTA | Superintendent | June 2012 |
Sliby, Kenneth | MBTA | Superintendent | September 2012 |
Stebbins, Bruce* | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | June 2012 |
Stebbins, Bruce | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | July 2012 |
Sumner, Stephen | Division of Insurance | Counsel to the Commissioner | August 2012 |
Wall, Charles | Massasoit Community College | Board of Trustees | June 2012 |
Wefling, Henry | Westfield State University | Professor | January 2012 |
Weinert, Joseph | Gaming Commission | Consultant | August 2012 |
Weizer, Paul | Fitchburg State University | Professor | March 2012 |
Wigmore, Danielle | Fitchburg State University | Professor | April 2012 |
Wigmore, Danielle | Fitchburg State University | Professor | December 2012 |
Wong, Donald | House of Representatives | State Representative | January 2012 |
Zuniga, Enrique | Gaming Commission | Commissioner | July 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month
Section 6A - Disclosure by an Elected State Official of a Financial Interest in an Action to be Taken
Adams, Tina Renee | Worcester State University | Assistant Professor | November 2012 |
Andrews, Denise | House of Representatives | State Representative | April 2012 |
Devers, Marcos | Senate | State Senator | July 2012 |
Greally, Brendan | Joint Committee on Revenue | Chief Legal Counsel | April 2012 |
Grossman, Steven | Office of the Treasurer | State Treasurer | July 2012 |
Kuros, Kevin* | House of Representatives | State Representatives | May 2012 |
Leone, Jennifer | Lancaster Board of Selectmen | Selectman | February 2012 |
Matte, Dan | Sturbridge Board of Assessors | Chairman | January 2012 |
Parisella, Jerald | House of Representatives | State Representative | February 2012 |
Parisella, Jerald | House of Representatives | State Representative | July 2012 |
Puppolo, Angelo | House of Representatives | State Representative | May 2012 |
Wong, Donald | House of Representatives | State Representative | July 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month
Section 7 - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a State Contract
Adams, Tina Renee | Worcester State University | Assistant Professor | October 2012 |
Alvaro, Ferdinand | Massachusetts Department of Transportation | Director | September 2012 |
Beausoleil Jr., Marcel | Fitchburg State University | Assistant Professor | June 2012 |
Britton, Noah | Bunker Hill Community College | Adjunct Professor | April 2012 |
Campbell, Ray | Massachusetts Health Data Consortium | Executive Director | August 2012 |
Carpenter, James Tyler | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Consulting Examining Psychologist | March 2012 |
Cole, Michael | Department of Public Health | Supervisor | December 2012 |
Cooney, Andrew | Department of Environmental Protection | Environmental Analyst, Asbestos Inspector | June 2012 |
Craven, Kelly | Department of Children and Families | Director | August 2012 |
Driscoll, John | Holyoke Community College | Trustee | January 2012 |
Fernandes, Jose | Department of Developmental Services | Mental Retardation Worker | September 2012 |
Fricke, Rebecca | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Clerical Assistant | December 2012 |
Grifoni, Vincent | Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | Education Specialist | January 2012 |
Hurvitz, Kara | Committee for Public Counsel Services | Attorney | January 2012 |
Keough, Lori | University of Massachusetts Dartmouth | Assistant Professor | July 2012 |
Kenney, Sean Michael | North Shore Community College | Computer Lab Assistant | November 2012 |
Kerrigan, Theresa* | University of Massachusetts | LPN | May 2012 |
King, Patrick | State Ethics Commission | Commissioner | June 2012 |
Krokidas, Maria; Nagler, Samuel; Bluestein, Richard M.; Parker, Barbara; Ross, Elizabeth C.; Cochrane Murphy, Kathryn; Holtzman, Paul | Special state employees; several agencies | Consultants | June 2012 |
Lee, Matthew | Cape Cod Community College | Trustee | October 2012 |
Lee, Matthew | Cape Cod Community College | Trustee | November 2012 |
Levenson, Dana | Department of Transportation | Chief Financial Officer | May 2012 |
Long, Patrick | Consumer Affairs | Legal Intern | April 2012 |
Murphy, Martin | State Ethics Commission | Commissioner | October 2012 |
Parmenter, Amy | Department of Children and Families | STS Worker | July 2012 |
Pearlstein, Brenda | Committee for Public Counsel Services | Social Services Advocate | May 2012 |
Pollack, Richard | Norfolk County Mosquito Control District | Commissioner | July 2012 |
Riley, Geralyn | Department of Correction | Reentry Training Manager | March 2012 |
Robinson, Kate | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Per Diem Instructor | September 2012 |
Sarjeant, Jane | Department of Children and Families | STS Worker | July 2012 |
Schleicher, James | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Technical Assistant | January 2012 |
Silverstein, Kristin | Department of Developmental Services | Training Technical | September 2012 |
Simon, Jeffrey | Massachusetts Recovery and Reinvestment Office | Director | May 2012 |
Simon, Jeffrey | Massachusetts Recovery and Reinvestment Office | Director | August 2012 |
Stamm, Amy | Hampshire Sheriff's Office | Teacher | September 2012 |
Swartwood, Charles III | State Ethics Commission | Chairman | June 2012 |
Swartwood, Charles III | State Ethics Commission | Chairman | July 2012 |
Thurler, Daniel | Massachusetts Appeals Court | Editorial Counsel | April 2012 |
Tortola, James | Massachusetts Department of Transportation | General Construction Inspector | June 2012 |
Unda, Richard | MBTA | Safety Inspector | April 2012 |
Willens, Bruce | Metro West Regional Transit Authority | Supervisor | May 2012 |
* Individual filed multiple disclosures in the same month
Section 19 - Disclosure by a Municipal Employee of a Financial Interest in a Particular Matter
Dickerson, Kelly | Cohasset Public Schools | Transportation Coordinator | March 2012 |
Eberwein-Tupper, Anna | Norfolk Public Schools | Acting Director, Student Support Services | September 2012 |
Fumo, Steven | Millville Fire and Rescue Department | Captain | August 2012 |
Simken, Barbara | Town of Hinsdale | Town Accountant | January 2012 |
Tucker, Paul | Salem Police Department | Chief | October 2012 |
Section 20 - Disclosure by a Municipal Employee of a Financial Interest in a Municipal Contract
Duarte, Michelle | Westport School Committee | Member | October 2012 |
Hanson, Michael | City of Lawrence Inspectional Services | Code Inspector | July 2012 |
Pascale, Timothy | Monson Parks and Recreation | Director | December 2012 |
Section 23(b)(3) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of the Appearance of Undue Favor or Improper Influence
Accetta, Donald | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
Alfandari, Dominique | University of Massachusetts Amherst | Professor | June 2012 |
Baddour, Steven | Senate | State Senator | March 2012 |
Basile, Carlo | House of Representatives | State Representative | May 2012 |
Beaton, William | House of Representatives | State Representative | February 2012 |
Beevers, Meagan | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Laborer | April 2012 |
Beevers, Shaun | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Supervisor | April 2012 |
Bishop, Allison, | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Maintenance Operator | April 2012 |
Bishop, Marilyn | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Forest and Park Supervisor | April 2012 |
Bishop, Nathan | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Forest and Park Supervisor | April 2012 |
Brewer, Stephen | Senate | State Senator | February 2012 |
Brownsberger, William | Senate | State Senator | January 2012 |
Brownsberger, William | Senate | State Senator | October 2012 |
Brownsberger, William | Senate | State Senator | December 2012 |
Cayer, George | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | President | October 2012 |
Cicatiello, Judith | Department of Unemployment Assistance | Director | January 2012 |
Clark, Katherine | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Devita, James | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
DiDomenico, Salvatore | Senate | State Senator | January 2012 |
Donato, Paul | House of Representatives | State Representative | March 2012 |
Donato, Paul | House of Representatives | State Representative | April 2012 |
Egan, Denise | Department of Public Health | Nurse Practitioner | February 2012 |
Fabiszewski, Kathy | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
Farago, Katelyn | State Ethics Commission | Investigator | June 2012 |
Fauteux, Stephen | State Ethics Commission | Enforcement Division Chief | April 2012 |
Fauteux, Stephen | State Ethics Commission | Enforcement Division Chief | May 2012 |
Gallant, Katherine | State Ethics Commission | Investigator | March 2012 |
Gemme, Irene | Work Opportunity Center Inc. | Member, Human Rights Committee | May 2012 |
Grossman, Steven | Office of the Treasurer | State Treasurer | February 2012 |
Grossman, Steven | Office of the Treasurer | State Treasurer | March 2012 |
Grossman, Steven* | Office of the Treasurer | State Treasurer | December 2012 |
Hedlund, Robert | Senate | State Senator | November 2012 |
Heffernan, Mary Elizabeth | Executive Office of Public Safety and Security | Secretary | December 2012 |
Hellmer, Carl Erik | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Laborer | April 2012 |
Henault, Ryan | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Laborer | April 2012 |
Herbert, Clayton | Charlemont Police Department | Sergeant | September 2012 |
Howitt, Steven | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Kane, Michael Francis | House of Representatives | State Representative | January 2012 |
Kaufman, Jay* | House of Representatives | State Representative | May 2012 |
Kaufman, Jay | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Kaufman, Jay | House of Representatives | State Representative | December 2012 |
Keenan, John | House of Representatives | State Representative | April 2012 |
Keenan, John | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Kocot, Peter | House of Representatives | State Representative | February 2012 |
Mangum, Paula Finley | State Ethics Commission | Commissioner | January 2012 |
Mastroianni, Mark* | Hamden County | District Attorney | February 2012 |
Mastroianni, Mark | Hamden County | District Attorney | August 2012 |
McGee, Thomas | Senate | State Senator | July 2012 |
McGee, Thomas | Senate | State Senator | October 2012 |
McGee, Thomas | Senate | State Senator | November 2012 |
Mercier, Rita | City of Lowell | City Councilor | July 2012 |
Moore, Richard | Senate | State Senator | January 2012 |
Mudge, Steven | MBTA | Senior Director of Rail and Water | April 2012 |
Murphy, Martin | State Ethics Commission | Commissioner | October 2012 |
Murray, Paul | State Ethics Commission | Investigator | May 2012 |
Murray, Paul | State Ethics Commission | Investigator | August 2012 |
Murray, Timothy | Office of the Governor | Lt. Governor | May 2012 |
Nober, Karen | State Ethics Commission | Executive Director | March 2012 |
Nober, Karen | State Ethics Commission | Executive Director | May 2012 |
Nober, Karen | State Ethics Commission | Executive Director | August 2012 |
Panzarella, Erminia | Department of Conservation and Recreation | Clerk | April 2012 |
Peake, Sarah | House of Representatives | State Representative | September 2012 |
Pedone, Vincent | House of Representatives | State Representative | January 2012 |
Petruccelli, Anthony | Senate | State Senator | May 2012 |
Pruitt-Doncaster, Candies | State Ethics Commission | Staff Counsel | February 2012 |
Pruitt-Doncaster, Candies | State Ethics Commission | Staff Counsel | December 2012 |
Pura, Robert | Greenfield Community College | President | October 2012 |
Quinn, Emma | Bridgewater State University | Intern | June 2012 |
Quinn, Liam | Bridgewater State University | Intern | June 2012 |
Reville, Paul | Executive Office of Education | Secretary of Education | August 2012 |
Ross, Richard | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Ryle, Karen | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
Sannicandro, Thomas | House of Representatives | State Representative | January 2012 |
Swartwood, Charles III | State Ethics Commission | Chairman | March 2012 |
Swartwood, Charles III | State Ethics Commission | Chairman | July 2012 |
Swartwood, Charles III | State Ethics Commission | Chairman | December 2012 |
Tarr, Bruce | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Trifone, Joanne | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
Ventura, Jacob | House of Representatives | Legislative Aide | November 2012 |
Watczyk, Stanley | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
Wolf, Daniel | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Young, Anita | Board of Registration in Pharmacy | Member | October 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month
930 C.M.R. 5.05 - Disclosure by an Elected Public Employee of the Receipt of Free or Discounted Travel or Admission
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month
930 C.M.R. 5.07(1) -Disclosure by a Public Employee of the Receipt of a Gift with a Value of Less than $50
Gerseny, Thomas | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Business Operations Manager | May 2012 |
Sotak, Derek | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Operations Coordinator | May 2012 |
Vasquez, Maria | University of Massachusetts Medical School | Senior Operations Coordinator | May 2012 |
930 C.M.R 5.08(2)(d)(2) - Disclosure by an Elected Public Employee of Reimbursed Travel Expenses
Chandler, Harriette | Senate | State Senator | December 2012 |
Chang-Diaz, Sonia | Senate | State Senator | March 2012 |
Conley, Daniel | Suffolk County | District Attorney | September 2012 |
Cummings, James | Barnstable County | Sheriff | July 2012 |
Cummings, James | Barnstable County | Sheriff | September 2012 |
Diehl, Geoffrey | House of Representatives | State Representative | September 2012 |
Diehl, Geoffrey | House of Representatives | State Representative | October 2012 |
Diehl, Geoffrey | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Garlick, Denise | House of Representatives | State Representative | June 2012 |
Joyce, Brian | Senate | State Senator | November 2012 |
Keenan, John | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Moore, Michael* | Senate | State Senator | January 2012 |
Moore, Michael* | Senate | State Senator | April 2012 |
Moore, Michael | Senate | State Senator | December 2012 |
Moore, Richard | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Moore, Richard | Senate | State Senator | July 2012 |
Moore, Richard | Senate | State Senator | August 2012 |
Moore, Richard* | Senate | State Senator | September 2012 |
Murray, Timothy | Office of the Governor | Lt. Governor | September 2012 |
O'Flaherty, Eugene | House of Representatives | State Representative | May 2012 |
Pacheco, Marc | Senate | State Senator | May 2012 |
Pacheco, Marc | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Pacheco, Marc | Senate | State Senator | August 2012 |
Pacheco, Marc | Senate | State Senator | December 2012 |
Patrick, Deval | Office of the Governor | Governor | April 2012 |
Provost, Denise | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Rodrigues, Michael | Senate | State Senator | June 2012 |
Rodrigues, Michael | Senate | State Senator | December 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month
930 C.M.R. 5.08(3)(b) - Disclosure by an Appointed Public Employee of the Receipt of Incidental Hospitality
Brownsberger, William* | Senate | State Senator | February 2012 |
Brownsberger, William* | Senate | State Senator | March 2012 |
Brownsberger, William | Senate | State Senator | May 2012 |
Brownsberger, William | Senate | State Senator | September 2012 |
Brownsberger, William | Senate | State Senator | November 2012 |
Creem Stone, Cynthia | Senate | State Senator | November 2012 |
Moore, Richard | Senate | State Senator | July 2012 |
Tarr, Bruce | Senate | State Senator | September 2012 |
Tarr, James | University of Massachusetts | Trustee | May 2012 |
Weisman, Cara | University of Massachusetts | Trustee | May 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month.
930 C.M.R. 5.08(4)(c)&(d) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of the Receipt of Travel Expenses/Honoraria for a Legitimate Speaking Engagement
Keenan, John | House of Representatives | State Representative | November 2012 |
Rogers, John | House of Representatives | State Representative | October 2012 |
930 C.M.R. 6.02 - Disclosure by a Public Employee of Appointment or Election to an Uncompensated Public Position
Moore, Michael | Senate | State Senator | March 2012 |
930 C.M.R. 6.02(3) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of Appointment or Election to an Uncompensated Public Position
Desley, David | Office of the Comptroller | EDP Systems Analyst | April 2012 |
Desley, David* | Division of Fish and Wildlife | Instructor | August 2012 |
Foley, Timothy | Massachusetts Trial Court | Court Officer | July 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month.
930 C.M.R. 6.06(2) - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Contract to Provide Services for the Committee for Public Counsel Services
Foley, Timothy | Massachusetts Trial Court | Court Officer | July 2012 |
Katz, Joshua | Joint Committee on Transportation, Legislature | Counsel | May 2012 |
930 C.M.R. 6.07 - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Contract to Provide Social Services
Adrien-Jean, Arielle | Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Department of Medicine | Internal Medicine Moonlighter | November 2012 |
Agboretan, Albert | Department of Unemployment Assistance | Auditor | January 2012 |
Aird, Renee | Department of Public Health | Director | June 2012 |
Chinappi, Anna | Department of Mental Health | Director | January 2012 |
Cofoni, Peter | Department of Children and Families | Supervisor Social Worker | November 2012 |
Craven, Kelly | Department of Children and Families | Social Worker | June 2012 |
Craven, Kelly | Department of Children and Families | Social Worker | September 2012 |
Daly, Meredith | Department of Public Health | Occupational Therapist | December 2012 |
DeBarros, Elida | Department of Public Health | COTA/L | December 2012 |
Diedricksen, Elizabeth | Department of Public Health | Occupational Therapist | December 2012 |
Downs, Karin | Department of Public Health | Director | June 2012 |
Frager, Steven | Department of Mental Health | Physician | October 2012 |
Hartigan, Patrick | Department of Developmental Services | Physical Therapist Assistant | May 2012 |
Irorere, Ann | Department of Public Health | Registered Nurse | December 2012 |
Joyce, Alice | Department of Children and Families | Supervisor | January 2012 |
Joyce, Jennifer | Department of Public Health | LPN | December 2012 |
Kahari, Peter | Executive Office of Health and Human Services | Personnel Officer | July 2012 |
McCrorey, Donna | Department of Public Health | Occupational Therapist | December 2012 |
McKenna, Leo | Department of Public Health | Consultant Pharmacist | May 2012 |
Meech, Jeffrey | Department of Public Health | Nursing Assistant | December 2012 |
Merrill, Leasa | Department of Children and Families | Investigator | October 2012 |
Njoroge, George | Worcester State Hospital | Registered Nurse | August 2012 |
Ome, Douglas | Department of Developmental Services | Psychologist | May 2012 |
Osho, Olugbenga Anthony | Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission | Project Coordinator | March 2012 |
Porter, Margaret | Department of Children and Families | Social Worker | April 2012 |
Roach, Kathleen* | Department of Public Health | Social Worker | November 2012 |
Saluti, Sandra | Department of Public Health | Physical Therapist | December 2012 |
Sullivan, Amy | Department of Public Health | Occupational Therapist | December 2012 |
Tool, Marianne | Department of Children and Families | Supervisor Case Investigation Unit | April 2012 |
Wagner, Mary Jo | Department of Developmental Services | Occupational Therapist | November 2012 |
Westbrook, Joan | Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission | Program Coordinator | August 2012 |
* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month.
930 C.M.R. 6.10 - Disclosure by a Public Employee of a Financial Interest regarding Certain Real Estate Interests
Lee, Cynthia | Bristol County Sheriff's Office | Payroll Clerk | February 2012 |
930 C.M.R. 6.13 - Disclosure by a Special Public Employee of a Financial Interest in an Additional Public Contract for Legal or Professional Services
Allegro, Joseph Jr. | Massachusetts Department of Transportation | Consultant | November 2012 |
Archatz, John; Klein, Jonathan; Rosen, Dan; Taylor, Jacob; Korman, Henry | Metropolitan Area Planning Council, and Citizens' Housing and Planning Association | Attorneys | February 2012 |
Rydal, Natalie | Department of Mental Health | Professor of Psychiatry | August 2012 |
Rydal, Natalia | University of Massachusetts Medical School, Department of Correction | Nurse Practitioner | October 2012 |
Stephen, David | Massachusetts School Building Authority | Sub-consultant | April 2012 |
Chapter 7 Section 40J (Disclosure of Beneficial Interest)
Demz, Meryem | Global Creations 2020 LLC | Manager | March 2012 |
Rogers, Joanne | Freshly Picked of Boston, Inc. | President | February 2012 |