Municipal employee disclosure forms

Conflict of interest law disclosure forms for municipal employees

Many exemptions to G.L. c. 268A, conflict of interest law require a municipal employee to file a public disclosure form.

If you have questions about the conflict of interest law, whether you are eligible for an exemption, or how to complete a disclosure form, please contact the Commission's Attorney of the Day for advice.


Law or Regulation

Disclosure Form


1.G.L. c. 268A, § 19Financial interest disclosure form for appointed municipal employeesInstructions
2.G.L. c. 268A, § 20(b)Financial interest in a municipal contract disclosure for municipal employeesInstructions
3.G.L. c. 268A, § 20(c)Special municipal employee financial interest in a municipal position or contract disclosureInstructions
4. G.L. c. 268A, § 20(d)Special municipal employee financial interest in a municipal position or contract disclosureInstructions
5.G.L. c. 268A, § 20(f)Municipal employee who is also working as a part-time, Call or Volunteer for a Police, Fire, Rescue or Ambulance Department disclosureInstructions
6.G.L. c. 268A, § 20Municipal employee holding more than one appointed position in a small town (less than 3,500 residents) letter 
7.G.L. c. 268A, § 23(b)(3)Appearance of undue favor or improper influence disclosureInstructions
8.930 CMR 5.06Receipt of gift unrelated to official position disclosureInstructions
9.930 CMR 5.07Receipt of gift valued at less than $50 disclosureInstructions
10.930 CMR 5.08(2)(d)(1)Appointed employee reimbursement of travel expenses disclosureInstructions
11.930 CMR 5.08(2)(d)(2)Elected employee reimbursement of travel expenses disclosureInstructions
12.930 CMR 5.08(2)(d)(3)Reconciliation statement of travel expenses for public employee disclosureInstructions
13.930 CMR 5.08(2)(d)(4) Participation in a matter involving an entity that provided employee with travel expenses within the last six months disclosureInstructions
14.930 CMR 5.08(2)(e)Receipt of in-state travel expenses disclosureInstructions
15.930 CMR 5.08(3)(b)Appointed employee receipt of incidental hospitality disclosureInstructions
16.930 CMR 5.08(3)(b)Elected employee receipt of incidental hospitality disclosureInstructions
17.930 CMR 5.08(4)(c) Receipt of honoraria for legitimate speaking engagements disclosureInstructions
18.930 CMR 5.08(5)Receipt of honorary degree disclosureInstructions
19.930 CMR 5.08(6) Receipt of award for meritorious public service or lifetime achievement disclosureInstructions
20.930 CMR 6.02(3) Paid employee taking an additional uncompensated public position disclosureInstructions
21.930 CMR 6.03(4) School supervisor advocating for his child disclosureInstructions
22.930 CMR 6.09 Charter School Trustee and School Committee member financial interest in general school fee disclosureInstructions
23.930 CMR 6.10Financial interest in certain real estate contracts disclosureInstructions
24.930 CMR 6.13Special municipal employee financial interest in an additional contract for legal or professional services disclosureInstructions
25.930 CMR 6.26(3)Financial interest in a public contract that predates municipal employment disclosureInstructions
26.930 CMR 6.26(4)Financial interest in a public contract that was acquired after municipal employment by transfer of an immediate family member or by inheritance disclosureInstructions
27.930 CMR 6.26(5)Financial interest in a substantially similar public contract disclosureInstructions

Contact   for Municipal employee disclosure forms


Legal Division (617) 723-5851
Enforcement Division (617) 723-4086


1 Ashburton Place, 6th floor, Room 619, Boston, MA 02108

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