• This page, Calendar Year 2014 Conflict of Interest Law Disclosures , is   offered by
  • State Ethics Commission

Calendar Year 2014 Conflict of Interest Law Disclosures

The State Ethics Commission maintains records of Conflict of Interest Law disclosures by public employees.

The following are lists of individuals who filed disclosures with the Ethics Commission in 2014, organized by sections of G.L. c. 268A, the Conflict of Interest Law. Disclosures are public records.

For more information, or to view a specific disclosure, contact the Ethics Commission at (617) 371-9500.  To search filers by name, use the CTRL-F (Apple-F) function on your keyboard.

Please note:  The dates of disclosures listed below reflect the dates the documents were received by the State Ethics Commission.  Although we make every effort to ensure this list is accurate and up-to-date, this list is subject to correction.  

Section 1(o)(2)(a) - Disclosure of Special State Employee Status

Bluestein, RichardMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Bluestein, RichardMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Brown, CynthiaMassachusetts College of Liberal ArtsVice President of Academic AffairsSeptember 2014
Cochrane Murphy, KathrynMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Cochrane Murphy, KathrynMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Cochrane Murphy, KathrynMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Goldstein, EmmaOffice of the GovernorDeputy Director of Boards and CommissionsOctober 2014
Holtzman, PaulMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Holtzman, PaulMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Holtzman, PaulMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Krokidas, MariaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Krokidas, MariaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Krokidas, MariaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Mudge, StevenMassachusetts Bay Transportation AuthorityTask Manager, Vehicle Engineering DepartmentJanuary 2014
Nagler, SamuelMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Nagler, SamuelMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Nagler, SamuelMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Parker, BarbaraMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Parker, BarbaraMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Parker, BarbaraMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Ross, ElizabethMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Ross, ElizabethMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Sachs, ElkaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Sachs, ElkaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Sachs, ElkaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselOctober 2014
Schneider, EricBetsy Lehman Center for Patient Safety and Medical Error ReductionConsultantMay 2014

Section 6 - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Particular Matter

Alfandari, DominiqueUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstAssociate ProfessorApril 2014
Apicella, DanielCommonwealth Health Insurance Connector AuthorityDirectorAugust 2014
Baker, EmersonSalem State UniversityProfessorDecember 2014
Bakis, MaureenFitchburg State UniversityProfessorMay 2014
Baldwin, Cecilia UgarteOffice of the GovernorDeputy Legal CounselMarch 2014
Basil, KrissOffice of the Attorney GeneralAssistant Attorney GeneralApril 2014
Bedrosian Jr., EdwardOffice of the Attorney GeneralFirst Assistant Attorney GeneralMay 2014
Benison, MartinOffice of the ComptrollerComptroller of the CommonwealthOctober 2014
Birdsell, StacyMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector of Training, Match Teacher Residency ProgramMarch 2014
Block, JenniferMATCH Charter Public SchoolGeneral CounselMarch 2014
Blood, ElizabethSalem State UniversityProfessorJuly 2014
Blundell, ShaneOffice of the Attorney GeneralAssistant Attorney General and Policy AdvisorJune 2014
Bogar, LydiaAdministrative Assistant for Licensing, Division of Fire SafetyDepartment of Fire ServicesFebruary 2014
Bones, RafaelWestfield State UniversityAssistant Vice President of Human Resources and Affirmative ActionMay 2014
Boyle, TimothyDepartment of Children and FamiliesSocial WorkerDecember 2014
Bradford, KatherynWestfield State UniversityDirector, Alumni RelationsOctober 2014
Braun, Edward*Bridgewater State UniversityProfessorFebruary 2014
Brazis, ScottMiddlesex Sheriff's OfficeSuperintendent/Special SheriffApril 2014
Buzawa, EveUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessor/Chair of Criminology and Justice StudiesJuly 2014
Cahill, TimothyMassHealthDeputy Director of Member ServicesJune 2014
Cannon, JoanUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate ProfessorJuly 2014
Cefalo, AmorosoMiddlesex Sheriff's OfficeAssistant Superintendent/Human ResourcesApril 2014
Choo, JohannaUniversity of Massachusetts LowellLecturer, Biological SciencesJuly 2014
Coelho, MichaelExecutive Office of Public Safety and SecurityAssistant Secretary of Policy and PlanningMay 2014
Colao, SarahMassachusetts Clean Energy CenterDeputy General CounselJune 2014
Collins, SeanUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate ProfessorJuly 2014
Combs, GaryPension Reserves Investment Management BoardConsultantJuly 2014
Condon, TimothyMassachusetts Department of TransportationConsultantFebruary 2014
Cook, BridgetMiddlesex Sheriff's OfficeBudget DirectorApril 2014
Cook, KateOffice of the GovernorChief Legal CounselJanuary 2014
Cook, William Jr.Westfield State UniversityProfessorDecember 2014
Cornelison, CaroleDivision of Capital Asset Management and MaintenanceCommissionerSeptember 2014
Cray, PierceOffice of the Attorney GeneralAssistant Attorney GeneralMay 2014
Cruz, TimothyPlymouth County District Attorney's OfficeDistrict AttorneyMarch 2014
Davis, AngelaPension Reserves Investment Management BoardConsultantJuly 2014
DeLuca, NancyUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate ProfessorJuly 2014
Demerle, MatthewExecutive Office of Administration and FinanceSenior Fiscal Policy AnalystNovember 2014
Devonshire, ScottCommonwealth Health Insurance Connector AuthorityChief Information OfficerAugust 2014
Devonshire, Scott*Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector AuthorityChief Information OfficerJune 2014
Dohan, JoshuaCommittee for Public Counsel ServicesDirector, Youth Advocacy DivisionMarch 2014
Dohan, JoshuaCommittee for Public Counsel ServicesDirector, Youth Advocacy DivisionJune 2014
Dragon, RichardMATCH Charter Public SchoolControllerMarch 2014
Dragon, RichardMATCH Charter Public SchoolControllerMay 2014
Duncan, JahfreeMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector of TechnologyMarch 2014
Englander, Elizabeth*Bridgewater State UniversityProfessorFebruary 2014
Field, LaurenceExecutive Office of Housing and Economic DevelopmentState Permit Ombudsman/Director, Massachusetts Permit Regulatory OfficeSeptember 2014
Forbes, PeterDepartment of Youth ServicesCommissionerFebruary 2014
Gilleland, JohnPension Reserves Investment Management BoardConsultantJuly 2014
Gimbel, PhyllisBridgewater State UniversityProfessorMarch 2014
Goldstein, EmmaOffice of the GovernorDeputy Director of Boards and CommissionsNovember 2014
Gutierrez, AntonioMATCH Charter Public SchoolAssociate of Dissemination for Academic SupportMarch 2014
Gutlerner, OrinMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector, Match Teacher Residency ProgramMarch 2014
Hindle, LoriMassachusetts State College Building AuthorityBoard MemberJanuary 2014
Hindle, LoriExecutive Office for Administration and FinanceDirector, Intergovernmental AffairsOctober 2014
Holland, MiaBridgewater State UniversityProfessorJanuary 2014
Ibe, OliverUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate DeanJuly 2014
Iselin, SarahOffice of the GovernorSpecial Assistant to the GovernorFebruary 2014
Itterly, KathleenWestfield State UniversityProfessorJanuary 2014
Itterly, KathleenWestfield State UniversityProfessorSeptember 2014
Jefferies, KristenExecutive Office for Administration and FinanceFiscal Policy AnalystMarch 2014
Jensen, AbigailUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstAssociate ProfessorAugust 2014
Ji, MinMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector of TalentMarch 2014
Jordan, ScottExecutive Office for Administration and FinanceUndersecretaryJuly 2014
Joyce, KristenDepartment of Transitional AssistanceAssistant Director of SNAPSeptember 2014
Kenney, PardonBoard of Registration in MedicineMember, Quality and Patient Safety CommitteeJune 2014
Kunzensdorf, RobertUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessorJuly 2014
Kurland, JacquieUniversity of Massachusetts-AmherstProfessorJanuary 2014
Kurland, JacquieUniversity of Massachusetts-AmherstProfessorDecember 2014
Lahann, RandallMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector of Curriculum, Match Teacher Residency ProgramMarch 2014
Lambert, MichaelDivision of Capital Asset Management and MaintenanceDirector of Design and ConstructionAugust 2014
Lambert, Michael*Division of Capital Asset Management and MaintenanceDirector of Design and ConstructionSeptember 2014
Lambert, MichaelDivision of Capital Asset Management and MaintenanceDirector of Design and ConstructionDecember 2014
Larsson, MichaelMATCH Charter Public SchoolChief Operating OfficerMarch 2014
Larsson, MichaelMATCH Charter Public SchoolChief Operating OfficerMay 2014
Latham, ScottUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate ProfessorJuly 2014
Lawrence, JuliePension Reserves Investment Management BoardConsultantJuly 2014
Leary, JamesUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolVice ChancellorJune 2014
Leschly, StigMATCH Charter Public SchoolChief Executive OfficerMarch 2014
Leschly, StigMATCH Charter Public SchoolChief Executive OfficerJune 2014
Levasseur, KennethUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessorJuly 2014
Lusardi, MegDepartment of Energy ResourcesActing CommissionerNovember 2014
Lyneis, AnneMATCH Charter Public SchoolTeacherMay 2014
Mahajan, LauraMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector of Coaching, Match Teacher Residency ProgramMarch 2014
Malone, Matthew*Executive Office of EducationSecretary of EducationJune 2014
Malone, Matthew*Executive Office of EducationSecretary of EducationOctober 2014
Mansur, RoniMassachusetts Health ConnectorDeputy Executive Director/Chief Operating OfficerDecember 2014
Marcelin, CassandraMATCH Charter Public SchoolFront Desk ManagerMay 2014
Mendoza, NikkoOffice of the GovernorDirector of OperationsJune 2014
Morrison, FrancisFitchburg State UniversityProfessorApril 2014
Morrison, FrancisFitchburg State UniversityProfessorDecember 2014
Moylan, WilliamUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessorJuly 2014
Muilenberg, MichaelUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstSenior Research FellowJuly 2014
Murphy, CrystalMATCH Charter Public SchoolSenior Accountant/Budget AnalystMarch 2014
Murphy, JosephDivision of InsuranceCommissionerNovember 2014
Nielson, Kelli AnnWestfield State UniversityAdjunct InstructorOctober 2014
Namm, TheodoreUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessorJuly 2014
Okerman, Gail*Fitchburg State UniversityProfessorOctober 2014
Olendzenski, MichaelCape Cod Community CollegeProfessorAugust 2014
Pena-Lyons, LuisaOffice of the GovernorDeputy Director of PersonnelAugust 2014
Peralta, JoselineDepartment of Developmental ServicesService CoordinatorApril 2014
Peltz-Steele, RichardUniversity of Massachusetts School of LawProfessorMarch 2014
Pobezinsky, LeonidUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstAssistant ProfessorOctober 2014
Poirier, DanielUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstArchitectural EstimatorOctober 2014
Pransky, KenFitchburg State UniversityProfessorFebruary 2014
Ranney, RobertWoods Hole, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket Steamship AuthorityMemberJanuary 2014
Renecker, StanleyPension Reserves Investment Management BoardConsultantJuly 2014
Richter, LauraSenateChief of Staff to State Senator Jason LewisMay 2014
Rivera, WilneliaOffice of the GovernorDirector of External AffairsJanuary 2014
Rogers, Christine*University of Massachusetts AmherstResearch Assistant Professor/Assistant DirectorAugust 2014
Ross-Jenkinson, RachelDepartment of Developmental ServicesProgram Coordinator IIIMay 2014
Rumker, DavidPension Reserves Investment Management BoardConsultantJuly 2014
Safran, AlanMATCH Charter Public SchoolDirector of Dissemination for Academic SupportMarch 2014
Samuels, AnthonyMassachusetts Growth Capital CorporationBoard Member, Credit Committee MemberNovember 2014
Santi, JorgeDepartment of Public UtilitiesDirector, Pipeline Engineering and Safety DivisionOctober 2014
Saubermann, JenniferExecutive Office for Administration and FinanceDirector of Program Integrity and Deputy General CounselJanuary 2014
Sharobem, StevenOffice of the Attorney GeneralAssistant Attorney GeneralSeptember 2014
Sharobem, StevenOffice of the Attorney GeneralAssistant Attorney GeneralSeptember 2014
Shea, ThomasUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessor, Director of Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration ResearchJuly 2014
Shor, GlenExecutive Office for Administration and FinanceSecretaryNovember 2014
Siegel, LarryUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessorJuly 2014
Siegel, RichardUniversity of Massachusetts LowellProfessor, Chair of PsychologyJuly 2014
Silliman, MatthewMassachusetts College of Liberal ArtsProfessorSeptember 2014
Sinclair, NancyMassachusetts Health ConnectorBusiness AnalystMarch 2014
Skarin, KathleenMiddlesex Sheriff's OfficeChief of StaffApril 2014
Spencer, JenniferMATCH Charter Public SchoolTeacherMay 2014
Sternburg, PaulMassachusetts State Lottery CommissionExecutive DirectorJanuary 2014
Sullivan, DavidExecutive Office for Administration and FinanceGeneral CounselNovember 2014
Sullivan, RickOffice of the GovernorChief of StaffNovember 2014
Suppa, JosephDepartment of Conservation and RecreationFleet ManagerJuly 2014
Sylvia, MarkExecutive Office of Energy and Environmental AffairsUndersecretary for EnergyOctober 2014
Sylvia, MarkExecutive Office of Energy and Environmental AffairsUndersecretary for EnergyNovember 2014
Tobin, KimberlyWestfield State UniversityInterim Vice President, Administration and FinanceDecember 2014
Travers, BrianSalem State UniversityProfessorSeptember 2014
Turner, AshleiMATCH Charter Public SchoolTeacher CoachJanuary 2014
Tynes, JulianMassachusetts Commission Against DiscriminationChairmanJanuary 2014
Vallely Bartlett, Maeve*Executive Office of Energy and Environmental AffairsSecretaryNovember 2014
Wang, Shouhong*University of Massachusetts DartmouthProfessorMarch 2014
Whipple, MarkUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstHead Football CoachMarch 2014
White, JoyceUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate ProfessorJuly 2014
Wigmore, DanielleFitchburg State UniversityProfessorApril 2014
Wilson, JasonDepartment of Public UtilitiesEconomistDecember 2014

* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month

Section 6A - Disclosure by an Elected State Employee of a Financial Interest in an Action to be Taken

Barrows, F. JayHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Beaton, MatthewHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Boldyga, NicholasHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Bradley, GarrettHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Brownsberger, WilliamSenateState SenatorJuly 2014
Cantwell, JamesHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Cariddi, GailanneHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Conroy, ThomasHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Cullinane, DanielHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Cutler, JoshuaHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
DeLeo, RobertHouse of RepresentativesSpeaker of the HouseApril 2014
deMacedo, ViriatoHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
D'Emilia, AngeloHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Dempsey, BrianHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Fallon, ChristopherHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Fennell, RobertHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Fernandes, JohnHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Galvin, WilliamHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Gregoire, DanielleHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Harrington, SheilaHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Hedlund, RobertSenateState SenatorJune 2014
Holmes, RussellHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeOctober 2014
Howitt, StevenHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Hunt, RandyHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Kuros, KevinHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Madden, TimothyHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeMarch 2014
Markey, ChristopherHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Mirra, LeonardHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Moran, MichaelHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Rosa, DennisHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Schmid, PaulHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Straus, WilliamHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeMarch 2014
Straus, WilliamHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJuly 2014
Vega, AaronHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Wong, DonaldHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Wong, DonaldHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJune 2014

Section 7 - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a State Contract

Akinkuoye, GeorgeDepartment of Developmental ServicesRNIIMarch 2014
Anderson, MelissaUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolAssistant ProfessorDecember 2014
Aseltine-Gryzb, DianeMassachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of HearlingASL InterpreterJuly 2014
Bazalar, JulianDepartment of Developmental ServicesHuman Service Coordinator A/BApril 2014
Bluestein, RichardMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Bluestein, RichardMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Campbell III, RayGroup Insurance CommissionCommissionerSeptember 2014
Cifuentes, ManuelUniversity of Massachusetts LowellAssociate ProfessorApril 2014
Cochrane Murphy, KathrynMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Cochrane Murphy, KathrynMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Cox, William JeffreyBoard of Fire Prevention RegulationsMemberMarch 2014
Crawford, ColeenNorfolk District Attorney's OfficeMultimedia DirectorAugust 2014
DeCourcey, JenniferChelsea Soldiers' HomeDirector of Residential ServicesOctober 2014
DeGabriele, StevenMassachusetts Department of TransportationConsultantMarch 2014
Fish, John Francis*Commission to Study the Feasibility of Hosting the Olympics in MassachusettsCommission MemberFebruary 2014
Flaven, KellyTrial CourtJuvenile Probation OfficerSeptember 2014
Franke, JaneBoard of Registration in PharmacyMemberAugust 2014
Giuffrida, NancyDisability Determination ServicesSpeech and Language Pathologist ContractorFebruary 2014
Glennon, DianeMassachusetts Housing DepartmentLoan OfficerJuly 2014
Hart, GisleneDepartment of Mental HealthHuman Services CoordinatorMarch 2014
Hobbs, SylviaCenter for Health Information and AnalysisProduct Team Special ManagerOctober 2014
Holtzman, PaulMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Holtzman, PaulMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Judd-Stein, CathyOffice of the State TreasurerGeneral CounselAugust 2014
Khan, AminaExecutive Office of Health and Human Services  
Kinsley, RobertDepartment of Mental HealthClinical Social WorkerMarch 2014
Krokidas, MariaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Krokidas, MariaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Leadenham, BriannaDepartment of Transitional AssistanceBERS A/BMarch 2014
MacNeill, ShellySenateChief of Staff for State Senator Michael MooreJuly 2014
McElaney, LisaChildren's TrustPresident/Principal InvestorNovember 2014
Miller, LaurenUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolForensic PsychologistJuly 2014
Nagler, SamuelMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Nagler, SamuelMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Niedbalski, JamesMassachusetts College of Liberal ArtsProfessorMay 2014
Onyeoziri, ChideraHouse of RepresentativesInternJuly 2014
Parker, BarbaraMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Parker, BarbaraMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Perkins, Anne*Department of Higher EducationSpecial Assistant to the CommissionerFebruary 2014
Robertson, Selena BramanDepartment of Mental HealthHS Coordinator C, Case Management SupervisorMarch 2014
Rooney, JamesDivision of Administrative Law AppealsFirst Administrative MagistrateMay 2014
Ross, ElizabethMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Ross, ElizabethMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Sachs, ElkaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselMay 2014
Sachs, ElkaMultiple AgenciesOutside CounselSeptember 2014
Schleicher, JamesUniversity of Massachusetts AmherstWeb Portal Applications Manager, Office of Information TechnologyApril 2014
Velasquez, CarolinaDepartment of Transitional AssistanceBenefits Eligibility Social Worker A/BApril 2014

* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month

Section 23(b)(3) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of the Appearance of Undue Favor or Improper Influence

Bellotti, MichaelNorfolk County Sheriff's DepartmentSheriffFebruary 2014
Bellotti, MichaelNorfolk County Sheriff's DepartmentSheriffSeptember 2014
Brewer, StephenSenateState SenatorDecember 2014
Chang-Diaz, SoniaSenateState SenatorMay 2014
Chester, MitchellDepartment of Elementary and Secondary EducationCommissionerJuly 2014
Coakley, MarthaOffice of the Attorney GeneralAttorney GeneralDecember 2014
Collins, NickHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJune 2014
Conroy, ThomasHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeSeptember 2014
Conroy, ThomasHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeOctober 2014
DeLeo, RobertHouse of RepresentativesSpeaker of the HouseDecember 2014
Donelan, MarisaState Ethics CommissionDeputy Chief, Public Education and Communications DivisionJuly 2014
Dortch-Okara, Barbara*State Ethics CommissionChairJanuary 2014
Dortch-Okara, BarbaraState Ethics CommissionChairApril 2014
Downes, KellyState Ethics CommissionChief, Enforcement DivisionSeptember 2014
Duff, EileenGovernor's CouncilCouncilorDecember 2014
Early Jr., JosephWorcester District Attorney's OfficeDistrict AttorneyApril 2014
Forbes, PeterDepartment of Youth ServicesCommissionerFebruary 2014
Gallant, KatherineState Ethics CommissionDeputy Chief, InvestigationsSeptember 2014
Giannotti, DavidState Ethics CommissionChief, Public Education and Communications DivisionMarch 2014
Gordon, KennethHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeApril 2014
Grossman, StevenState Treasurer's OfficeTreasurer and Receiver GeneralFebruary 2014
Grossman, StevenState Treasurer's OfficeTreasurer and Receiver GeneralMarch 2014
Grossman, StevenState Treasurer's OfficeTreasurer and Receiver GeneralMay 2014
Grossman, StevenState Treasurer's OfficeTreasurer and Receiver GeneralDecember 2014
Hermann, JoyceDepartment of Developmental ServicesQuality Enhancement SpecialistNovember 2014
Ianella, Jr., Christopher4th District, Massachusetts Governor's CouncilGovernor's CouncilorAugust 2014
Jubinville, RobertGovernor's CouncilGovernor's CouncilorApril 2014
Mastroianni, MarkHampden District Attorney's OfficeDistrict AttorneyJanuary 2014
Mirra, LeonardHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJuly 2014
Moore, Richard*SenateState SenatorDecember 2014
Murphy, MartinState Ethics CommissionCommissionerJanuary 2014
Murphy, MartinState Ethics CommissionCommissionerJuly 2014
Pallotta, DanielPlymouth County CommissionChairmanMay 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorJanuary 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorMarch 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorJuly 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorOctober 2014
Patrick, Deval*Office of the GovernorGovernorNovember 2014
Petruccelli, Anthony*SenateState SenatorJanuary 2014
Petruccelli, AnthonySenateState SenatorJuly 2014
Polanowicz, JohnExecutive Office of Health and Human ServicesSecretaryJuly 2014
Quinlan, Regina*State Ethics CommissionCommissionerApril 2014
Roney, DeirdreState Ethics CommissionGeneral CounselJune 2014
Silvia, AlanHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJuly 2014
Stebbins, Bruce*Massachusetts Gaming CommissionCommissionerJanuary 2014
Tynes, JulianMassachusetts Commission Against DiscriminationChairmanJanuary 2014
Wolf, DanielSenateState SenatorJune 2014
Wolf, DanielSenateState SenatorJuly 2014

* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month

930 CMR 5.05 - Disclosure by an Elected Public Employee of the Receipt of Free or Discounted Travel or Admission

Kaufman, JayHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJune 2014

930 CMR 5.08(2)(d)(2) - Disclosure by an Elected Public Employee of Reimbursed Travel Expenses

Chan, TackeyHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeAugust 2014
Chan, TackeyHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeNovember 2014
Dykema, CarolynHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJanuary 2014
Joyce, BrianSenateState SenatorMay 2014
Joyce, BrianSenateState SenatorNovember 2014
Joyce, BrianSenateState SenatorDecember 2014
Keenan, JohnSenateState SenatorOctober 2014
Koutoujian, PeterMiddlesex Sheriff's OfficeSheriffNovember 2014
Lewis, JasonSenateState SenatorDecember 2014
Lovely, JoanSenateState SenatorJuly 2014
McGee, ThomasSenateState SenatorJuly 2014
McGee, ThomasSenateState SenatorOctober 2014
Montigny, MarkSenateState SenatorDecember 2014
Moore, MichaelSenateState SenatorJanuary 2014
Moore, MichaelSenateState SenatorFebruary 2014
Moore, MichaelSenateState SenatorApril 2014
Moore, MichaelSenateState SenatorAugust 2014
Moore, MichaelSenateState SenatorNovember 2014
Pacheco, MarcSenateState SenatorMarch 2014
Pacheco, MarcSenateState SenatorJuly 2014
Pacheco, MarcSenateState SenatorAugust 2014
Pacheco, Marc*SenateState SenatorDecember 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorFebruary 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorMarch 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorMay 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorSeptember 2014
Rosenberg, StanleySenateState SenatorNovember 2014
Roy, JeffreyHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeNovember 2014

* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month

930 CMR 5.08(2)(d)(3) - Reconciliation Statement by a Public Employee of Reimbursed Travel Expenses

Fernandes, JohnHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeMay 2014
Kafka, LouisHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeMay 2014
Kafka, LouisHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeSeptember 2014
Lovely, JoanSenateState SenatorSeptember 2014
Pacheco, MarcSenateState SenatorMarch 2014

930 CMR 5.08(3)(b) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of the Receipt of Incidental Hospitality

Barrett, MikeSenateState SenatorOctober 2014
Brownsberger, WilliamSenateState SenatorJanuary 2014
Brownsberger, WilliamSenateState SenatorFebruary 2014
Brownsberger, William*SenateState SenatorApril 2014
Brownsberger, WilliamSenateState SenatorJune 2014
Brownsberger, WilliamSenateState SenatorSeptember 2014
Chang-Diaz, SoniaSenateState SenatorSeptember 2014
Dykema, CarolynHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeJanuary 2014
Kuros, KevinHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeDecember 2014
Lovely, JoanSenateState SenatorJanuary 2014
Malaba, SibusisiweMassachusetts Black and Latino Legislative CaucusExecutive DirectorNovember 2014
McGee, ThomasSenateState SenatorJuly 2014
McGee, ThomasSenateState SenatorNovember 2014
Moore, MichaelSenateState SenatorDecember 2014

* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month

930 CMR 5.08(4)(c)&(d) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of Travel Expenses/Honoraria Related to a Legitimate Speaking Engagement

Carney, PatriciaDepartment of Developmental ServicesTraining CoordinatorJune 2014
Koutoujian, PeterMiddlesex Sheriff's OfficeSheriffMay 2014
Patrick, DevalOffice of the GovernorGovernorOctober 2014
Story, EllenHouse of RepresentativesState RepresentativeNovember 2014

930 CMR 6.02(3) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of Appointment or Election to an Uncompensated Public Position

Balboni, SheilaCommunity Day Care Center of Lawrence, Inc.Executive DirectorNovember 2014
Desley, DavidOffice of the ComptrollerEDP Systems Analyst IMay 2014
Desley, DavidOffice of the ComptrollerEDP Systems Analyst IJune 2014
Desley, David*Office of the ComptrollerEDP Systems Analyst IJuly 2014
Desley, DavidOffice of the ComptrollerEDP Systems Analyst IAugust 2014
Gonzalez, LoriD.E.A.F. Inc.Regional Director of Independent Living ServicesNovember 2014
Sedlacko, IreneDepartment of EducationSpecial Nutrition Programs CoordinatorDecember 2014
Supple, ChrisPension Reserves Investment Management BoardDeputy Executive Director/General CounselNovember 2014
Weinstock, AmyUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolDirector, Autism Insurance Resource DirectorDecember 2014

* Filed multiple disclosures in the same month

930 CMR 6.05(2)(b) - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Department of Children and Families Contract

Banks, CarrieDepartment of Fish and GameRegional Planner IV, Division of Ecological RestorationMarch 2014
Burns, Shannon BridgetUniversity of Massachusetts Medical SchoolAssociate Director of Program Implementation & Provider NetworkFebruary 2014

930 CMR 6.06(2) - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Contract to Provide Services for the Committee for Public Counsel Services

DeLisi, StephenDepartment of Mental HealthPsychologist IVJuly 2014
Jubinville, RobertGovernor's CouncilGovernor's CouncilorJune 2014

930 CMR 6.07 - Disclosure by a State Employee of a Financial Interest in a Contract to Provide Social Services

Clifford, AliceDepartment of Developmental ServicesRegistered NurseAugust 2014
Cooper, MajuhnWrentham Developmental CenterDSWIAugust 2014
DeRuggiero, FeliceDepartment of Mental HealthAdult Clinical Service Authorization CoordinatorAugust 2014
Donelin, JenniferDedham District CourtVictim Witness AdvocateOctober 2014
Martinez, YovaniDepartment of Developmental ServicesService Coordinator A/BOctober 2014
Nevins, BrianDepartment of Transitional AssistanceProgram Coordinator IIIMay 2014
Peebles, BarbaraDepartment of Developmental ServicesTrainer, Office of Policy and PlanningOctober 2014
Perrotta, JoyceDepartment of Mental HealthPsychologist IVOctober 2014
Primak, RichardDepartment of Developmental ServicesHuman Services Coordinator A/BJune 2014
Primak, RichardDepartment of Developmental ServicesHuman Services CoordinatorNovember 2014
Roberts, Marjorie SusanDepartment of Developmental ServicesPsychologist IIIAugust 2014
St. John Joseph, AnniePDAB/HomeCorpsLoan Modification SpecialistApril 2014
Wassel, NormaCommittee for Public Counsel ServicesDirector, Social Services AdvocatesDecember 2014

930 CMR 6.26(3) - Disclosure by a Public Employee of a Financial Interest in a Public Contract Pre-Dating Election or Appointment

Wolf, DanielSenateState SenatorMarch 2014

Contact   for Calendar Year 2014 Conflict of Interest Law Disclosures


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