Court Officer Academy Student Court Officer Manual: Massachusetts Trial Court Customs and Courtesies

Learn more about Massachusetts Trial Court customs and courtesies at the Massachusetts Trial Court Officer Academy.

As a public safety organization, the Massachusetts Trial Court Officers observe courtesies and traditions that set it apart from civilian life. These practices are necessary for the preservation of the morale, esprit de corps, discipline, and training. Court Officer customs and courtesies are practiced between superiors and subordinates to express respect for each other.

Massachusetts Trial Court Officers are held to a high standard. They are expected never to bring shame to the Massachusetts Trial Court through their actions in, or outside of work. As public officials who have taken an oath of office, they are expected to be nothing less than people of great integrity and adhere to the laws set forth in our Commonwealth and throughout the United States at all times.

Contact   for Court Officer Academy Student Court Officer Manual: Massachusetts Trial Court Customs and Courtesies


Suffolk Superior Courthouse
3 Pemberton Square, 15th Floor, Boston, MA 02108
Date published: January 2, 2023

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