Quality information is the key to making the best possible choices about coastal issues—which is why CZM focuses on providing technical assistance to local decision-makers and concerned citizens. CZM's dedicated staff of technical specialists in policy, planning, regulatory review, coastal and ocean science, monitoring, mapping, and communications, along with regional coordinators who serve as liaisons to communities and local organizations, provide a range of technical assistance, including one-on-one consultations with local officials, coastal business representatives, coastal homeowners, and others.
Program Areas
CZM's areas of technical expertise include:
- Coastal erosion, storm damage, and flooding (including barrier beach management, coastal geology, and coastal landscaping)
- Coastal habitat (including monitoring and restoration of salt marshes and other wetlands, federal grants for land acquisition, and Areas of Critical Environmental Concern)
- Coastal water quality (including stormwater/nonpoint source pollution, No Discharge Zones and other clean boating issues, and marina management)
- Federal Consistency Review and other environmental regulatory review
- Mapping and data management
- Marine invasive species management and monitoring
- Ocean management, planning, and development
- Port and harbor planning and management (including Designated Port Areas, Municipal Harbor Plans, and dredging)
- Public access to the coast
As part of its technical assistance efforts, CZM holds workshops, conferences, and public meetings and produces publications, maps, and other materials to provide local officials and the public with technical information.