DCR Agency Regulations

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is the lead DCR office for maintaining the department’s regulations found in the Commonwealth’s Code of Massachusetts Regulations.

The Office of General Counsel (OGC) is the lead DCR office for maintaining the department’s regulations found in the Commonwealth’s Code of Massachusetts Regulations.  Among other things, the regulations govern the use of DCR lands and facilities, provide the framework for DCR regulatory programs, and address violations of DCR rules.  OGC coordinates the proposal and promulgation of any new, amended or revised DCR regulations, as well as the repeal of any DCR regulation.  Promulgation of regulations by DCR, including public hearings or meetings and public participation, is always in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 30A of the General Laws.

On this page, DCR facilitates access to its regulations, which have the force of law, however, please note that the regulations provided via this web page are not official versions.  If for any reason you require the official version of the regulation, it is only available through Secretary of the Commonwealth via the State Bookstore. Although we strive to keep all information as current and accurate as possible, when downloading regulations from the DCR web site, the copy you receive may be different from the official version for a number of reasons, including but not limited to (1) the download may have gone wrong and you may have lost information; (2) the document may not print well given your specific software/hardware setup; (3) if you translate our documents to another word processing program, it may miss/skip/lose information; and, (4) the file on this web site may be out-of-date (as hard as we try to keep everything current, please note our disclaimer.

Regulations Under Review

302 CMR 18.00: Aquatic Nuisance Control Program

  • Draft Regulation
  • Notice of Public Hearing - The hearing originally scheduled for April 9, 2020 has been postponed.  An updated Hearing Notice will be published as soon as a new hearing date has been determined. Written comments may be submitted beginning March 30, 2020; the final day for submitting written comments will be determined at a later date and will be no less than 35 days from the date an updated Hearing Notice is published.

New/Recently Amended Regulations

Current regulations

Contact   for DCR Agency Regulations

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