DOR MassTaxConnect and Small Business Videos

These short DOR YouTube videos demonstrate how to navigate MassTaxConnect. The small business videos guide new business owners who are unfamiliar with Massachusetts tax law requirements. All videos serve both beginners and experienced users.

Spanish subtitles are available for videos noted with an asterisk (*).

Updated: October 25, 2024

Table of Contents

New to MassTaxConnect

To view the New to MassTaxConnect videos one at a time or in succession, go to the New to MassTaxConnect video playlist. You may also choose a New to MassTaxConnect video from the list below. 

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.

File Returns & Make Payments

To view MassTaxConnect's File Returns or Make Payments videos, one at a time or in succession, go to the File Returns or Payments playlists. You may also choose a File Returns or Payments video from the list below. 

For estimated tax videos, go to the estimated payments section on this page. 

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.

Estimated Payments

To view the Estimated Payments videos one at a time or in succession, go to the Estimated Payments video playlist. You may also choose an Estimated Payments video from the list below. 

Business Actions (Including Registration)

To view MassTaxConnect's Business Actions (Including Registration) videos one at a time or in succession, go to the Business Actions (Including Registration) playlist. You may also choose a Business Actions video from the list below.

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.

E-file Your Personal Income Tax

To view MassTaxConnect 's E-file Your Personal Income Tax videos one at a time or in succession, go to the E-file Your Personal Income Tax playlist. You may also choose an E-file Your Personal Income Tax video from the list below.

Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML)

To view MassTaxConnect's Paid Family and Medical Leave videos one at a time or in succession, go to the Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) playlist. You may also choose a PFML video from the list below.

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.

Third-Party Access

To view MassTaxConnect's Third-Party Access videos one at a time or in succession, go to the Third-Party Access playlist. You may also choose a Third Party Access video from the list below.

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.


To view MassTaxConnect's Apply/Register videos one at a time or in succession, go to the Apply/Register playlist. You may also choose an Apply/Register video from the list below.

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.

Small Business Videos

To view DOR's Small Business videos one at a time or in succession, go to the Small Business Workshop playlist. You may also choose a Small Business video from the list below.

Other Videos to Review:

Please note: * Subtitles available in Spanish.

Get More Help & Provide Feedback

Still have questions?

Go to our Using MassTaxConnect page which will connect you to further information and FAQs.

Also, please take a few moments to complete our brief survey and let us know if these tutorials met your needs. You'll also be able to suggest additional topics you might find useful. 

For more information, go to our Using MassTaxConnect page.

Thank you for watching DOR's MassTaxConnect and Small Business YouTube videos. We hope you found our videos to be helpful.

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