Dredged Material Management Plan Technical Reports

Find dredging reports developed through the Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) effort of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM).

From 1998 through 2004, CZM developed technical information in support of the Massachusetts Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP). The goal of the DMMP was to identify management solutions for dredged materials to facilitate channel dredging and port development while minimizing impacts to marine and cultural resources. Under the DMMP, CZM developed Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) and other documents to address state regulatory and management issues. A major component of the EIRs is a description of marine and cultural resources that may be impacted by dredged material disposal.

A bibliography of DMMP publications is provided below. Documents are organized by municipality/site and listed in date order. Links to PDF copies of the publications are provided when available.

(Note: Any views or opinions presented in publications prepared for CZM are solely those of the author[s] and do not necessarily represent those of the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Please see our website policies.)


  • ENSR. 2001. June 2000 benthic survey of Boston Harbor Navigational Improvement Project confined aquatic disposal (CAD) cells. Prepared by ENSR Marine and Coastal Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-02 (PDF, 758 KB)

Buzzards Bay Disposal Site

  • Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 1998. Physical characterization of the proposed Buzzards Bay disposal site. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-98-05 (PDF, 2 MB)
  • Valente, R. and G. Tufts. 2001. November 2000 REMOTS survey at two candidate dredged material disposal sites in Buzzards Bay. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-06 (PDF, 3 MB)
  • Valente, R. and G. Tufts. 2001. November 2000 baseline characterization of sediment chemistry at two candidate dredged material disposal sites in Buzzards Bay. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-07 (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Valente, R., J. Infantino and B. Andrews. 2001. Results of the October 2000 bathymetric survey at candidate disposal site 1 in Buzzards Bay. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-08 (PDF, 969 KB)
  • Valente, R. 2001. November 2000 baseline characterization of benthic macroinvertebrate communities at two candidate dredged material disposal sites in Buzzards Bay. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-09 (PDF, 902 KB)
  • Valente, R., E. Waddell and P. Hamilton. 2001. Evaluation of baseline water column chemistry and sediment resuspension potential at two candidate dredged material disposal sites in Buzzards Bay. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-10 (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Camisa, M. and A. Wilbur. 2002. Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Fisheries Trawl Survey Report, March 2001-March 2002. Published by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries and Office of Coastal Zone Management. Pocasset, Massachusetts. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-02-01 (PDF, 569 KB)
  • Carey, D.A. and N. Haley. 2002. Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Report: Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Trawl Data Analysis. Prepared by Coastal Vision, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-02-02 (PDF, 9 MB)
  • Colburn, L.L., D.A. Carey and N. Haley. 2002. Buzzards Bay Disposal Site Report: Competing Site Use Assessment. Prepared by Coastal Vision, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-02-03 (PDF, 6 MB)
  • CR Environmental. 2002. Bottom Classification Survey, Buzzards Bay Disposal Site. Prepared by CR Environmental Inc., East Falmouth, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-02-04 (PDF, 6 MB)

Fall River

  • Normandeau Associates Inc. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Quahog resources survey for New Bedford and Fall River. Prepared by Normandeau Associates Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-06 (PDF, 486 KB)


  • Riess. W.C. 1998. Possible shipwreck and aboriginal sites on submerged land - Gloucester, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-98-02 (PDF, 245 KB)
  • Normandeau Associates Inc. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Fisheries resources survey for Gloucester. Prepared by Normandeau Associates Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-02 (PDF, 4 MB)
  • Normandeau Associates Inc. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Early benthic phase survey for Gloucester Harbor. Prepared by Normandeau Associates Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-04 (PDF, 481 KB)
  • Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Habitat characterization of the DMMP candidate aquatic disposal sites. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. (DMMP-99-07)
  • Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 2000. Review of depth to bedrock in Gloucester Inner Harbor. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island and Coastal Vision, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-00-01 (PDF, 907 KB)
  • Maguire Group Inc. 2001. Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment Gloucester Harbor, Massachusetts. Prepared by Maguire Group Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-04 (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 2001. Results of the March 2001 sub-bottom profiling and sediment profile imaging survey of the outer Gloucester Harbor. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-05 (PDF, 7 MB)
  • Wilbur, A.R. 2004. Gloucester Harbor Characterization: Environmental History, Human Influences, and Status of Marine Resources. Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, Boston, MA (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). 2000. Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) EOEA No. 11534. Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for Gloucester, Massachusetts. Prepared by Maguire Group Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-DEIR-Gloucester (PDF, 3 MB)

New Bedford/Fairhaven

  • Riess. W.C. 1998. Possible shipwreck and aboriginal sites on submerged land - New Bedford, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-98-03 (PDF, 148 KB)
  • Normandeau Associates Inc. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Fisheries resources survey for New Bedford. Prepared by Normandeau Associates Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-03 (PDF, 3 MB)
  • Normandeau Associates Inc. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Quahog resources survey for New Bedford and Fall River. Prepared by Normandeau Associates Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-06 (PDF, 486 KB)
  • Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). 2000. New Bedford aquatic disposal site screening: Characterization of the new zone of siting feasibility and West Island Ledge sites. Prepared by Science Applications International Corporation, Newport, Rhode Island and Coastal Vision, Newport, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-00-02 (PDF, 888 KB)
  • Apex Environmental Inc. 2001. Report of marine geophysical surveys: seismic refraction, sub-aqueous disposal cell feasibility studies, New Bedford Harbor - 2001. Prepared by Apex Environmental, Inc. Brookline, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-01 (PDF, 2 MB)
  • Kim, H. and J.C. Swanson. 2001. Preliminary dredged material transport modeling in New Bedford Harbor. Prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., Narragansett, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-01-03 (PDF, 419 KB)
  • Maguire Group Inc. 2002. Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) Assessment New Bedford / Fairhaven Harbor, Massachusetts. Prepared by Maguire Group Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-02-05 (PDF, 3 MB)
  • Swanson, C., Isaji, T., Kim, H., Hall, P. 2003. Dredged Material Transport Modeling Analysis in New Bedford Harbor Prepared by Applied Science Associates, Inc., Narragansett, Rhode Island. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-03-01 (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). 2002. Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) EOEA No. 11669. Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Prepared by Maguire Group Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-DEIR-New Bedford/Fairhaven (PDF, 7 MB)
  • Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). 2003. Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) EOEA No. 11669. Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for New Bedford and Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Prepared by Maguire Group Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-FEIR-New Bedford/Fairhaven (PDF, 25 MB). Also see, Errata for the DMMP-FEIR (PDF, 59 KB) prepared by CZM in April 2015.


  • Riess. W.C. 1998. Possible shipwreck and aboriginal sites on submerged land - Salem, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-98-04 (PDF, 237 KB)
  • Normandeau Associates Inc. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Early benthic phase survey for Salem Harbor. Prepared by Normandeau Associates Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-05 (PDF, 1 MB)
  • Malkoski, V.J. 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan: Soft-bottom suction sampling pilot program. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-99-01 (PDF, 621 KB)
  • Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM). 1999. Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) EOEA No. 11538. Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for Salem, Massachusetts. Prepared by Maguire Group Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. Prepared for Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management. Boston, Massachusetts. DMMP-DEIR-Salem (PDF, 20 MB)

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