• This page, Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Oxygen & Respiratory (DMEPOS), is   offered by
  • MassHealth

Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, Oxygen & Respiratory (DMEPOS)

Find information and resources about accessing durable medical equipment (DME), oxygen and respiratory supplies (OXY), orthotics (ORT), and prosthetics (PRT).

Table of Contents

DMEPOS Program Overview

How to Get Help with DMEPOS Issues

  1. Contact CCM Clinical Manager

The first step for CCM members and families seeking help with DMEPOS issues should always be to contact their CCM Clinical Manager.

For information on how to contact your CCM Clinical Manager, reach out to CCM:

The CCM Clinical Manager will work with the appropriate CCM Specialist (Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech Language Pathologist, Respiratory Therapist, Pharmacist) to assist with outreach and escalate to MassHealth, if appropriate.

  1. ​​​DMEPOS Office Hours

MassHealth holds regular DMEPOS office hours where CCM members and families can raise issues directly to members of the MassHealth DMEPOS and CCM teams

  • Day: The first and third Thursday of every month
  • Time: 4:30 - 5:00 pm
  • Call Information: CCM sends a weekly email to CCM members and families with Zoom call-in information for the office hours. If you have not received the emails, please contact CCM at (800) 863-6068 or CommCase@umass.edu
  1. MassHealth DMEPOS Program Team Email

If a CCM member’s CCM Clinical Manager is not able to assist with a DEMPOS issue, members and families can reach out to the MassHealth DMEPOS team directly at: DMEPOSprogram@mass.gov

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