Energy and Alternative Fuels - Contract User Guides

Contracts related to the procurement and use of energy, fuels, and energy utility related services.

ENEFY25- Daily Price Index for Fuels Record (Updated: 02/01/2024)

ENE55 - Electricity Statewide Contract (Updated: 09/03/2024, replaced ENE49)

ENE50 - Natural Gas Statewide Contract (Updated: 10/31/2023, replaced ENE44)

ENE51DesignatedDCAMM - Demand Response Program Statewide Contract (Updated: 12/14/2021, replaced FAC89)

ENE52 - No.2 Heating Fuel and APS Eligible Liquid Biofuel Statewide Contract (Updated: 01/08/2024, replaced ENE45)

ENE53 - Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel & Biodiesel Statewide Contract (Updated: 09/19/2024, replaced ENE47)

ENE54 - Gasoline Statewide Contract (Updated: 08/01/2024, replaced ENE48)

ENE57 - Renewable and Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards and Services Statewide Contract (Updated: 04/25/2024, replaced FAC109)

As contracts are rebid, all contracts in the Energy and Alternative Fuels Category will be updated to include the ENE prefix.

Category Management Team

Michael Barry, Vendor Relationship Manager,, 617-720-3182

Michael Barry

Category and Vendor Relationship Manager


Contact   for Energy and Alternative Fuels - Contract User Guides


One Ashburton Place, Room 1608, Boston, MA 02108-1552

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