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Frequently asked questions for MassHealth members younger than 65

Find answers to some of member’s most commonly asked questions tailored for members younger than 65.

Table of Contents

When should I report a change?

You should report changes to your information as soon as possible, but no later than 10 days from the date of the change. This includes any change to your income, address, phone number, family size, disability, job, or other health insurance.

How do I access and update my MA Login account?

Visit MA Login Accounts for Health Coverage for more information about how to access and update your MA Login Account.

How do I remove a member (other than Head of Household) who is no longer in the household?

You can submit this change by:

  • Submitting your paper application: If the member is still part of the household but doesn’t want MassHealth benefits, update the section for that member and check that they do not need help paying for health care. Do not cross out the name of the member.
  • Going online: Log in to your MA Login account and update the member’s information. When answering the “Is this person applying for health or dental coverage?” question, check the box that states that they do not need help paying for health care.
  • Phone or In Person: Report the change to the MassHealth representative who is helping you with your application.

I am the head of my household. How do I add a new individual to my account?

If the person you want to add isn’t already a MassHealth member, there are several ways you can add them to your account:

  • Go online to your MA Login account to Report a Change and add a person to your account; or
  • Call MassHealth Customer Service at (800) 841-2900; or
  • Submit a paper application with the new household member’s information.

If the person you are adding is already a MassHealth member, you should call MassHealth Customer Service. You should update this information as soon as possible.

I am not the head of household on file. How can I be removed from the current account?

Submit a new Massachusetts Application for Health and Dental Coverage and Help Paying Costs (ACA-3) by phone, mail or fax, or by visiting a MassHealth Enrollment Center.

I am not the head of household. How do I remove my children from an account?

A parent or legal guardian can ask to remove a child from a household and add the child to a new household with the same parent or new legal guardian.

Submit a new Massachusetts Application for Health and Dental Coverage and Help Paying Costs (ACA-3) to add a child to a new household. You may need to send MassHealth information, such as custody documents, to prove the custody status of the child has changed.

Important: If you will still file a joint tax return with your spouse, include the children on the new application of the member who claims the children as tax dependents. If you are in the process of divorce, you will need to provide support documents that show this.

What if the Head of Household on my account is deceased?

The other members in the household need to reapply. A new head of household will need to be identified on the new application. The new head of household will have the option to apply online. 

How do I update my MassHealth application if I am a victim of domestic abuse?

You can fill out a new MassHealth application by calling MassHealth Customer Service at (800) 841-2900, TDD/TTY: 711. MassHealth representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Let the representative know you are a victim of domestic abuse. They will transfer you to a MassHealth Enrollment representative to help you with your updates and provide you with supports to keep yourself, your family, and your information safe.

What do I do if I lost my MassHealth benefits?

You may have lost your MassHealth benefits if you did not respond to your renewal letter or request for information before the deadline. MassHealth needs your most updated information.

You can provide this information in one of the following ways.

1. Online: This the fastest and easiest way.

Update information for you and members in your household with your MA Login account.

Log in with your MA Login account. On the My Eligibility page, scroll over to Actions, and click on Edit Application to get started. Once you make your changes, you must continue all the way through the Review and Sign page and click Submit.

Remember, you need to update your information as soon as possible or within 10 days of the change.

For more information or help with your MA Login account

2. With Help from an Enrollment Assister.

Help from an Enrollment Assister is free for everyone. Enrollment Assisters, such as Navigators and Certified Application Counselors (CACs), are trained and certified individuals at organizations in your area. They can help you apply for coverage, shop for plans, and answer questions about your eligibility, payments, plan details, and rules and requirements.

Find an Enrollment Assister near you at Enrollment Assister Search.

3. Call or Visit MassHealth.

Call MassHealth Customer Service Center at (800) 841-2900, TDD/TTY: 711 to update your information over the phone. MassHealth representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

You can also visit a MassHealth Enrollment Center (MEC). The MECs are open for limited walk-in appointments from 8:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.  You can also schedule a phone or video appointment with MassHealth. We encourage you use MassHealth’s appointment scheduler if you need help from a MassHealth Representative.

Questions about Renewals

What if I have no changes to report to my renewal?

Even if you have no changes to report, make sure all the information on your renewal form is correct. Submit it on or before the due date by going online, calling MassHealth Customer Service, by mail, or schedule an appointment with a MassHealth representative.

Can I just update my information instead of completing my MassHealth renewal?

No. You must submit the entire renewal application online, by phone, in person, or by mail or fax.

What if I’ve lost my MassHealth renewal form?

If you have an online account, you can get your Renewal online through your MA Login account. You can also request another copy by calling MassHealth Customer Service. Be sure that you have enough time to get the replacement copy and submit it before the due date in your renewal letter.

You can call MassHealth Customer Service at (800) 841-2900, (TDD/TTY 711) for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled) and use the self-service option to find out if you need to submit a renewal. 

I started my MassHealth renewal online, can I come back later to finish?

Yes. You have 48 hours to return to your started renewal and finish the process. After 48 hours, you will need to start over. Click the Complete renewal link on the My Eligibility page. You will also see an Undo Changes link. This removes any changes you have already made to the renewal and lets you start the renewal over. 

Important: You must complete and submit your renewal before the due date in your letter. If you start but do not complete and submit your renewal by the due date, any changes you made will be deleted.

I recently turned 19, how do I stay covered?

I will continue to be claimed as a tax dependent: If you will continue to be claimed as a tax dependent by the Head of Household, regardless of whether you will be filing your own taxes, you should be included as a tax dependent on the household’s renewal form.

I will no longer be claimed as a tax dependent: You should submit a coverage application as Head of Household.

I was never claimed as a tax dependent/my current Head of Household doesn’t file taxes: When you turn 19, you should complete a new application as the Head of Household.

Contact   for Frequently asked questions for MassHealth members younger than 65


Self-service available 24 hrs/day in English and Spanish. Other services available Monday-Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Interpreter services are available.

Last updated: March 13, 2023

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