Impact on tobacco use behaviors and outcomes

Explore data related to tobacco use trends over time after statewide menthol and flavored tobacco restrictions in Massachusetts.

Studies have shown that reducing the availability of tobacco products and point-of-sale marketing can reduce returning to tobacco use after quitting and spontaneous purchases, lending support to the eventual reduction of tobacco use as a long-term outcome of this law [1,2]

Table of Contents

Youth tobacco use

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Select age (middle or high school), and use (current or ever) to see tobacco use trends among youth over time. You may stratify by grade or race for current users in high school. Youth data from YHS.

Adult tobacco use

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Select a demographic filter to examine tobacco use trends over time for adults. Use demographic filters to see use among specific populations.  Only one demographic filter may be selected at a time. Data from BRFSS.

  1. Carter OB, Phan T, Mills BW. Impact of a point-of-sale tobacco display ban on smokers’ spontaneous purchases: Comparisons from postpurchase interviews before and after the ban in Western Australia. Tob Control. 2015;24(e1):e81-e86. doi:10. 1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-050991
  2. Yearby R. Racial disparities in health status and access to healthcare: The continuation of inequality in the United States due to structural racism. Am J Econ Sociol. 2018;77(3-4): 1113-1152. doi:10.1111/ajes.12230

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