Massachusetts has the most complete and comprehensive program for pursuing delinquent jurors in the country. As a result, Massachusetts juries are considered to be among the most diverse and representative in the nation.
The Delinquent Juror Prosecution Program (DJPP) was created to help ensure that people serve their jury duty obligation. The DJPP pursues and, if necessary, prosecutes anyone who fails to perform their jury service by:
- Failing to respond to a summons
- Responding but failing to appear for service
- Appearing at the courthouse but failing to complete their service by leaving the courthouse without being properly excused or dismissed from service or by failing to fulfill some other obligation of their service
In addition, the DJPP also:
- Enhances the diversity of the jury pool — The DJPP helps ensure that the jury pool is as diverse and representative of the community it's drawn from as possible.
- Increases juror yield — The program helps increase the number of people who appear for jury duty by pursuing people who fail to perform jury duty.
Contact for Learn about the Delinquent Juror Prosecution Program
Monday-Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm
Last updated: | April 25, 2018 |