Trial jurors who have been impaneled sit and hear evidence on a single case, evaluate that evidence during deliberations with their fellow jurors, and make a decision on that case.
How long will I serve?
Under Massachusetts' One Day or One Trial system, trial jurors serve for either 1 day, or the duration of 1 trial if they are impaneled on a case. Most jurors serve for only 1 day, and almost all jurors complete their service within 3 days. It's possible that you could be impaneled on a case that lasts for a week or more. You should be sure that you're available for at least 3 days when you report for jury duty. Before you're impaneled, the judge will tell you how long the case is expected to last. If you'd have a hardship due to the time frame of your service, be sure to let the judge know. You'll always have an opportunity to speak to the judge and explain your circumstances before being impaneled on a case.
Additional Resources
Where will I serve?
You'll receive a summons to serve in the judicial district (usually the county) where you live. If you're a legal resident in 1 county but live in another county for 6 months of the year or more, you can be called to serve in either county. (Please note: by statute, residents of Athol serve in Franklin County and residents of Bellingham serve in Worcester County.)
If you've moved from the address on your summons, you may or may not be disqualified. Contact the OJC at (800) 843-5879 or jurorhelp@jud.state.ma.us to find out if you're still required to serve.
Will I be paid?
Your Massachusetts employer is required by law to compensate you for your first 3 days of jury service, and the Commonwealth will pay you $50 per day from the 4th day on. Click here to learn more about juror compensation.
Contact for Learn about trial jury service
Monday-Friday 9 am - 4:30 pm
Last updated: | April 25, 2018 |