Current State Fire Code
UPDATE: The Board of Fire Prevention and Regulations is currently accepting proposals for changes to 527 CMR 1.00, the Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code. The deadline to submit a code change proposal is February 29, 2024. You can submit a proposal using the form linked here. Any submissions received after the deadline will go to the Board of Fire Prevention and Regulations for review during the next Fire Code adoption process.
The current State Fire Code went into effect on December 9, 2022. To view the code free of charge:
- Visit the National Fire Protection Association's Codes and Standards page
- Select NFPA 1 and "Free Access"
- Select "2021 Fire Code" and click on "view"
The Board of Fire Prevention Regulations also adopted Massachusetts amendments to the code to address unique situations in the Commonwealth. To view the current 527 CMR 1.00 Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code Amendments, please see additional resources below.
Hard copies may be purchased through the Massachusetts State Bookstore.
Additional Resources
Previous Versions of the State Fire Code
Code enforcement officials, architects, and engineers often to need to refer to previous versions of the State Fire Code that were in effect when a building was built or occupied.
Additional Resources
Contact for Massachusetts Fire Code
Open 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.