Solar for All Program Overview
Planned components of the program, subject to refinement, include a residential zero-interest loan initiative, a residential lease initiative, a public affordable housing procurement initiative, a private affordable housing financing initiative, and a low-income community shared solar initiative. Massachusetts’ Solar for All program will also include funding for technical assistance, education, outreach, quality assurance, and workforce training.
More detailed information on the planned program, including funding amounts, timeline, and opportunities to stay engaged, can be found in the Solar for All Update.
Program Planning Timeline and Stakeholder Engagement
Massachusetts’ Solar for All team is engaged in ongoing community engagement and program design activities to ensure that we are prepared to begin implementing programs as soon as possible after receiving funds. The Massachusetts Solar for All Coalition anticipates extensive stakeholder engagement opportunities over the coming months to receive input on specific elements of program design and implementation, as program components are refined to align with the awarded budget.
This page will be updated regularly to provide information on opportunities for engagement. Please also sign up for the Solar for All mailing list to receive updates.
Application Information
On October 11, 2023, the Department of Energy Resources submitted its application to the U.S. EPA’s Solar for All funding opportunity. More details on the application that was submitted can be found in the Solar for All Application Overview.