Massachusetts Stormwater Management Updates Advisory Committee

In preparation for updating the stormwater provisions of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act and the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook, MassDEP has convened a Stormwater Advisory Committee.

Table of Contents


MassDEP is convening a stormwater Advisory Committee (AC) in preparation for updating the Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook and the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) stormwater regulations (310 CMR 10.05(6)). MassDEP is undertaking these updates as part of its mission to protect wetland and water resources of the Commonwealth. The Advisory Committee will focus on two topics:

  • Aligning the WPA Stormwater Management Standards with Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit Post-Construction Stormwater Rules 

MassDEP is developing measures that will more closely align the WPA stormwater management standards in wetlands areas with MS4 General Permit stormwater rules. These measures are expected to provide consistency between federal and state regulations, simplify the stormwater permitting process, and help the 260 MS4 communities meet the MS4 deadline to adopt local rules that meet EPA’s Minimum Control Measures. Alignment of the stormwater regulatory frameworks will also provide benefits that improve resilience for wetland ecosystems and for drainage and transportation infrastructures under changing climate conditions.

  • Precipitation Projections for Stormwater Management

MassDEP is preparing to update the Wetlands Protection Act stormwater regulations pertaining to precipitation intensity and frequency by, at a minimum, adopting the NOAA Atlas 14-Precipitation-Frequency Atlas of the United States Volume 10 Version 3.0: Northeastern States. This will address related stormwater management issues and broader climate resilience implications by incorporating the most recent storm data. MassDEP is also considering options for incorporating precipitation projections that account for future conditions.

MassDEP will also update the Advisory Committee on additions to the MA Stormwater Handbook such as the MassDEP Wetlands Program Solar Array Policy and special considerations being developed to address constraints imposed by limited Rights of Way (ROW) on MassDOT linear highway projects.


The purpose of this Advisory Committee process is to inform and seek input from interested stakeholders about proposed changes to MassDEP’s stormwater regulations and Handbook. The Advisory Committee comprises designees from invited organizations that represent interested stakeholders, including from the development, environment, and government sectors, as well as other subject matter experts. All meetings are open to the public.


Home Builders and Remodelers Association Central MA Guy Webb Executive Director
Home Builders and Remodelers Association of MA Jeffrey Brem HBRA Board VP/Treasurer
NAIOP - The Commercial Real Estate Development Association Chip Nylen Designee
MassDOT-Highway Division Henry Barbaro Environmental Analyst
Member At Large: Rich Claytor AC Member At Large
Member At Large: Robert Roseen AC Member At Large
Massachusetts Audubon Society Heidi Ricci Assistant Director of Advocacy
Massachusetts Rivers Alliance Ian Cooke MRA Board Member
MA Association of Conservation Commissioners Sandra Brock MACC Board Member
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation Robert Lowell DCR Stormwater Manager
MA DEP Wetlands Program (AC Chair) Stephanie Moura Director, Wetlands and Waterways Division
MA DEP Wetlands Program Lisa Rhodes Wetlands Program Chief
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Newton Tedder Project Manager
MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Vandana Rao Director of Water Policy
MA Department of Fish and Game Cindy Delpapa Riverways Program Manager
Massachusetts Municipal Association Ariela Lovett Legislative Analyst
Central MA Regional Stormwater Coalition John Woodsmall CMRSC Co-Chair
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission Patty Gambarini Co-Leader, Land Use/Environment Section
Association of MA Wetland Scientists Stacy Minihane AMWS Board - Vice President
Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section Ronald Burns Senior Vice President

Meeting Schedule and Materials

Meeting 1: Introduction and Topical Overview

Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Time: 1:30-3:30pm
Place: 2nd floor Conference Room, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, One Winter Street, Boston, MA 02108

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #1 - Agenda
Stormwater Advisory Committee Charge and Ground Rules
Stormwater Advisory Committee future meetings schedule

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #1 - Presentation
Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #1 - Summary

Meeting 2: Stormwater Management Considerations Specific to Highways / Update on EPA TS4 Permit

Date: Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Time: 1:00-3:00pm

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #2 - Agenda

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #2 - Presentation
Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #2 Summary

Meeting 3: Updating Precipitation Projections

Date: Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Time: 10:00am-1:00pm

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #3 - Agenda

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #3 - Presentation
Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #3 - Summary

Meeting 4: DEP SW Handbook and EPA MS4 Alignment / Advisory Committee Wrap-up and Next Steps

Date: Thursday, October 15, 2020
Time: 10:00am-1:00pm

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #4 - Agenda

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #4 - Presentation
Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #4 - Summary

Meeting 5: Stormwater Scenarios / Discussion Forum-All Topics/ Wrap-up and Next Steps

Date: Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Time: 10:00am-1:00pm

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #5 - Agenda

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #5 - Presentation
Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting # 5 - Summary
Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #5 – Scenario Analysis Report

Meeting 6: Preview of Draft Stormwater Regulations / Handbook Updates Prior to Release for Public Comment

Date: Thursday, June 10, 2021
Time: 9:30-11:30am

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #6 - Presentation

Meeting 7: Review of Draft Stormwater Regulations

Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm

Stormwater Advisory Committee Meeting #7 - Presentation

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