MassGIS Data: Courthouses

January 2019

The Courthouses point datalayer shows the location of all courthouses in Massachusetts.

Table of Contents



The Massachusetts Court System consists of the Supreme Judicial Court, the Appeals Court, the Executive Office of the Trial Court, the seven Trial Court departments, the Massachusetts Probation Service, and the Office of Jury Commissioner.

The layer name is COURTHOUSES_PT


MassGIS received a comprehensive list of facilities in April 2018 from the state's Office of Court Management and matched the addresses to MassGIS' Master Address Points. Physical locations were verified from the Massachusetts Court System using its Alphabetical listing of courthouses.


The Courthouses layer's point attribute table contains the following fields:

NAMECourthouse name. In instances where multiple courts are housed in the same facility, the highest level of court is the name.
ADDRESSCourthouse address (street number and name)
CITYMailing address city/town of the Courthouse
COUNTYCounty in which the Courthouse is located
OWNERCourthouse owner
COURTROOMIndicates with "Y" if the courthouse contains a courtroom
DEPT_FULLAbbreviations of the court department(s) located at each facility. Codes are indicated in the field names listed below (SJC through LC)
SATELLITEAbbreviations of part-time courts within the facility. An "S" will appear in the corresponding individual fields.
SJCIndicates with "Y" if the Supreme Judicial Court is located at that facility
SCIndicates with "Y" if a Superior Court is located at that facility
DCIndicates with "Y" if a District Court is located at that facility
JCIndicates with "Y" if a Juvenile Court is located at that facility
PFCIndicates with "Y" if a Probate and Family Court is located at that facility
BMCIndicates with "Y" if a Boston Municipal Court is located at that facility
HCIndicates with "Y" if a Housing Court is located at that facility
ACIndicates with "Y" if an Appeals Court is located at that facility
LCIndicates with "Y" if a Land Court is located at that facility
MAD_IDID for point location from MassGIS' Master Address Database


MassGIS maintains this datalayer and will make updates as needed with input from the Mass. Office of Court Management.

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