MassGIS Data: Latest and Best Quality Lidar Terrain Data Index

May 2023

The Latest and Best Quality Lidar Terrain Data Index serves as a reference for downloading the QL1 and QL2 Latest and Best Quality Lidar Terrain Data layers, which are organized into several project areas, primarily the 2021 Central and Eastern MA. The data here has replaced the Legacy lower quality data.

Table of Contents



The Latest and Best Quality Lidar Terrain Data Index serves as a reference for downloading the 2021 Central and Eastern Terrain Data DEM tiles and 1-Foot Contours. For the DEM, this index dataset was created by MassGIS by merging index shapefiles provided by several vendors as part of their LiDAR data deliveries. The 2021 index was merged with several older QL1 or QL2 indexes to create a statewide index of QL1 & QL2 DEM and LAS data. These older data do not have 1-Foot contours.

MassGIS added the fields TILENAME (identifies the DEM and LAS files), AREA_NAME (the project area to which it belongs), DEM_URL (Web link to download digital elevation model (DEM) images), and CONT_URL (Web link to download the 1-Foot contours where available).


See the overview Index Map based on this layer that displays all LiDAR project areas.


MassGIS maintains this layer and will update it should new LiDAR data be acquired.

Date published: March 8, 2023
Last updated: March 8, 2023

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