MassGIS Data: Public Utility Service Providers

November 2021

Electricity, Natural Gas and Cable Television providers by community

Table of Contents



This table contains the public Electric, Natural Gas, and Cable Television utility providers for each Massachusetts municipality. The source of data for Electric and Natural Gas was the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, September 2021. The source of data for Cable utilities was the Massachusetts Department of Telecommunications and Cable, November 2019. In addition, a field also stores information on whether a community provides its own Internet service (source: Northeast Public Power Association, July 2015).

The table is stored as TOWNS_POLY_UTILITIES and may be joined to any Municipalities layer on the TOWN_ID column. In MassGIS' ArcSDE database, three spatial views have been created that join this table to town polygons: TOWNS_POLY_V_CABLETOWNS_POLY_V_ELEC and TOWNS_POLY_V_GAS.

These themes are available in MassMapper and the MassGIS Data Viewer from the menu choices:
CATEGORY: Infrastructure > SUBCATEGORY: Public Utility Providers


Massachusetts Electricity providers by municipality
MA electricity providers (2021)

View PDF Map

Natural Gas

Map of natural gas providers in Massachusetts
MA natural gas providers (2021)

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Cable Television

Map of cable providers in Massachusetts
MA cable providers (2019)

View PDF Map


The TOWNS_POLY_UTILITIES table has the following fields:

Field NameDescription
TOWN_ID3-digit municipality identifier (1-351)
TOWNOfficial municipality name
ELECElectric service provider
GASNatural Gas service provider
CABLECable service provider
INTERNETIndicates (with "Y") if a municipality provides its own Internet service
ELEC_LABELModified label for electricity provider for map legends. The text "Municipal" is used instead of the community's power company (which is stored in the ELEC field).
GAS_LABELModified label for natural gas provider for map legends. The text "Municipal" is used instead of the community's power company (which is stored in the GAS field).
CABL_LABELModified label for cable TV provider for map legends. The text "Municipal" is used instead of the community's cable company (which is stored in the CABLE field).


MassGIS will maintain the data and update as needed.

Last updated: November 30, 2021

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