MESA Conservation & Management Permit Overview

Projects resulting in a Take of state-listed species may be able to move forward with a permit.

A small percentage of projects that we review require a Conservation & Management Permit in order to move forward. To be eligible for a Permit, the applicant must demonstrate that the project, as proposed, has avoided, minimized and mitigated impacts to State-listed Species consistent with the following performance standards:

  1. The applicant has adequately assessed alternatives to both temporary and permanent impacts to State-listed Species;
  2. An insignificant portion of the local population would be impacted by the Project or Activity, and;
  3. The applicant agrees to carry out a conservation and management plan that provides a long-term Net Benefit to the conservation of the State-listed Species. The applicant may propose various options for "Net Benefit" which may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:
    • on or off-site permanent habitat protection
    • management or restoration of state-listed species habitat
    • conservation research designed to benefit the species affected by a given project.


Under 321 CMR 10.23, in determining the appropriate nature and scope of mitigation necessary to achieve the long-term Net Benefit performance standard, the following areal habitat mitigation ratios will generally apply, based on the category of State-listed Species:

  • Endangered Species: 1:3 (i.e., protection of three times the amount of areal habitat of the affected Endangered Species that is impacted by the Project or Activity);
  • Threatened Species: 1:2 (i.e., protection of two times the amount of areal habitat of the affected Threatened Species that is impacted by the Project or Activity).
  • Special Concern Species: 1:1.5 (i.e., protection of one and one half times the amount of areal habitat of the affected Species of Special Concern that is impacted by the Project or Activity).

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