Notice of Temporary Workers' Rights Posters

Staffing agencies must post a notice of the temporary workers’ rights

Notices of temporary workers' rights

Staffing agencies must post a notice of the temporary workers’ rights provided under the Temporary Workers’ Right to Know Law (TWRTKL), as well as the Department of Labor Standards’ (DLS) contact information in a visible location at each of its office locations, in a form provided by the DLS. The DLS notice may be obtained by downloading the poster from the links below:  

Notice of Temporary Workers’ Rights under the Temporary Workers Right To Know Law (TWRTK) poster

TWRTK Notice - English

TWRTK Notice - Spanish

TWRTK Notice- Vietnamese

TWRTK Notice - Chinese

TWRTK Notice - Portuguese

TWRTK Notice - Russian

TWRTK Notice - Khmer

TWRTK Notice - Burmese

TWRTK Notice - French

TWRTK Notice - Nepali

TWRTK Notice - Tigrinya

TWRTK Notice - Haitian Creole

TWRTK Notice - Somali

TWRTK Notice - Swahili

TWRTK Notice - Arabic

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