GIS at other State Agencies
Regional Planning Agencies
Regional planning authorities provide GIS services to their member communities.
Descriptions of RPAs (PDF file) | RPAs Datalayer
- Berkshire Regional Planning Commission: 413-442-1521
- Cape Cod Commission: 508-362-3828
- Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission: 508-756-7717
- Franklin Regional Council of Governments: 413-774-1194
- Martha's Vineyard Commission: 508-693-3453
- Merrimack Valley Planning Commission: 978-374-0519
- Metropolitan Area Planning Council: 617-451-2770
- Montachusett Regional Planning Commission: 978-345-7376
- Nantucket Planning and Economic Development Commission: 508-228-7237
- Northern Middlesex Council of Governments: 508-454-8021
- Old Colony Planning Council: 508-583-1833
- Pioneer Valley Planning Commission: 413-781-6045
- Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District: 508-824-1367
Other Regional GIS Programs
- Essex County Municipal Information Network (ECMIN): 508-741-0201 x 204
- New England Chapter of URISA
New England State GIS Programs
In addition to Massachusetts, all other New England states maintain a state GIS office. For information on data services in other New England states call:
- Connecticut GIS: 203-424-3540
- Maine Office of GIS: 207-287-3897
- New Hampshire GRANIT: 603-271-2155
- Rhode Island GIS (RIGIS): 401-222-6483
- Vermont GIS (VGIS): 802-882-3000