Rapid Recovery Plan (RRP) Program

The Rapid Recovery Plan Program was open to every municipality within The Commonwealth as part of the Baker-Polito Recovery Plan to revitalize downtowns, respond to the effects of COVID-19 on local businesses, and prioritize actions and strategies.

Table of Contents

About the Rapid Recovery Program

The Rapid Recovery Plan (RRP) Program is intended to provide every municipality in Massachusetts the opportunity to develop actionable, project-based recovery plans tailored to the unique economic challenges and COVID-19 related impacts to downtowns, town centers, and commercial areas across the commonwealth.

What is a Rapid Recovery Plan?

Local Recovery Plans will include analysis and exploration of challenges, barriers, strategies, and actions, with a focus on developing tactical and strategic project recommendations that help communities achieve their recovery goals. The program provides technical assistance through Plan Facilitators assigned to each community applicant (e.g., city, town, or nonprofit entity) and Subject Matter Experts who are available to help seed ideas for project recommendations and best practices webinars, as well as inform and further refine project recommendations through individual consultations.

Communities and Plan Facilitators will be matched and will work together to assess COVID-19 impacts, convene community partners to solicit project ideas and provide feedback, and develop project recommendations. The effort will culminate in plans that summarize the diagnostic findings and offer clear, tactical project recommendations.


Video recording from the RRP Close Out Webinar held December 15th, 2021

Slides from the Rapid Recovery Planning Webinar held December 9, 2020 

Questions and Answers from December 9, 2020 Local Rapid Recovery Plan webinar can be downloaded here. 

Rapid Recovery Communities

The RRP was open to every municipality within the commonwealth. Through this program, participating communities are matched with a Plan Facilitator, who will be charged with conducting an analysis of COVID-19 impacts and facilitate the development of clearly defined and actionable projects aligned with communities goals.

RRP Diagnostic Dashboard and Final Diagnostic Report

ln Phase 1/Diagnostic of the RRP program: Plan Facilitators utilized the Rapid Recovery Plan Diagnostic Framework. The framework was designed to ensure methodical diagnosis of challenges and opportunities in each community, and to identify strategies and projects that aligned with the interests and priorities of each community. The framework looks at four areas of analysis: Physical Environment, Business Environment, Market lnformation, and Administrative Capacity--each equipped with guiding questions to direct research conducted by Plan Facilitators.

The Final Diagnostic Report/ Findings from the Rapid Recovery Report is an amalgamation of the data from the 124 RRP communities. The Diagnostic Dashboard is a visual representation and the individual community results.

RRP Final Community Plans

Phase 3/ Final Plan Development: After completing all three phases the final plans were submitted-124 plans and over 1,100 projects.

Technical Assistance Resources

The Local Recovery Plan Program offers resources to communities, Plan Facilitators and Subject Matter Experts to understand the program objectives and have the tools necessary to methodology and ensure that outcomes help


Best Practice Sheet Compendiums

Subject Matter Expert Webinar Recordings

Rapid Recovery Consultants

The commonwealth has invited consultants to participate in our RRP as either Plan Facilitators or Subject Matter Experts. Plan Facilitators will lead communities through diagnostic, project development, and plan creation phases. Subject Matter Experts will provide best practice information via topical webinars and help communities refine projects through one-on-one consultations when applicable.

Additional Resources

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