Sexual and Reproductive Health Program (SRHP) Projects

Beyond the core clinical services offered by the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program’s (SRHP) funded agencies, SRHP offers a wide range of capacity-building and support services to the Massachusetts healthcare system.

Table of Contents

Reproductive Health Access, Infrastructure, and Security

The Reproductive Health Access Grant provides abortion funds and providers with funding to improve access, infrastructure, and security. Examples of services that are provided under this project include:  

  • Abortion medication and procedures 
  • Case Management 
  • Doula Services 
  • Childcare, travel, lodging, interpreter services, or other costs associated with seeking abortion care

To find out more information about any of these services, visit:  

College and University Abortion Care Program

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts made a commitment to helping college students access medication abortion with An Act expanding protections for reproductive and gender-affirming care, Ch. 127 of the Acts of 2022. As a result of this law, public institutions of higher education must develop medication abortion readiness plans for their students in consultation with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH). Medication abortion, or medical abortion, is a safe, effective, common, and non-surgical method of ending a pregnancy prior to 70 days gestation. Between 600 and 1,380 public college students in Massachusetts need abortion care annually. 

Promoting access to medication abortion on college campuses is critical to helping students get the reproductive health care they need in a safe and timely manner. Some colleges and universities may directly provide medication abortion to students in the health center, and others will provide information and referrals.  

Learn more about the initiative:

Massachusetts Sexual and Reproductive Health Training Center

With funding from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Sexual and Reproductive Health Program (SRHP), the Massachusetts Sexual and Reproductive Health Training Center provides training, technical assistance, and resources to SRHP clinicians, administrators, support staff, and other SRH professionals as they manage the complex health, medical, and social determinants of health issues faced by clients seeking SRH services in the Commonwealth. 

To learn more, visit:

Contact   for Sexual and Reproductive Health Program (SRHP) Projects


Massachusetts Department of Public Health
250 Washington St., 5th Floor, Boston, MA 02108

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