Smoking Fire Safety

Smoking is a leading cause of fire deaths. Learn to be a responsible smoker. Put it out. All the way. Every time.
Putting a cigarette out in a pail with sand.

The improper use and disposal of smoking materials (of all kinds) is the leading cause of fire deaths in Massachusetts. Smoking fires can smolder undetected for a long time before bursting into flames whether it is on a bed, in a sofa, or a pile of mulch. Be a responsible smoker and put out smoking materials completely and safely. Every time. 

Tools for Fire Educators

DFS developed new radio and television public service announcements on the proper (and improper) disposal of smoking materials. They use humor to communicate the messages. See two of them below. Fire departments and fire educators can use these PSAs on social media, in presentations to community groups, and on local cable television.

Porch Fire Safety / Peligro de Incendio Del Porche

Rear porch fires are a major cause of fast moving fires that can threaten our densely built neighborhoods. Porch fires can burn for a long time undetected by occupants or interior smoke alarms. These fires can quickly spread to multiple structures.

• Put it out. All the way out. Every time!
• Wet butts down and use heavy metal cans filled with sand for disposal.
• Never discard cigarettes in mulch or potted plants!
• Never toss cigarette butts from porches or windows.

Los fuegos del porche son una de las principales causas de los incendios rapidos que pueden amenazar nuestros barrios que son densamente poblados. Los incendios del porche pueden quemar por mucho tiempo antes de ser detectados por los ocupantes o las alarmas de humo interiores. Estos incendios se pueden extender rápidaments a múltiples estructuras. 

Fumando en el Porche
• Tienes que apagarlo completamente cada vez.
• Moja las colillas de cigarrillos y use una lata de metal pesado llena de arena para su eliminación.
• Nunca tira colillas de cigarillos de porches o ventanas.
• ¡Nunca descarte los cigarrillos en mantillo o plantas en macetas.

Contact   for Smoking Fire Safety


(978) 567-3121


1 State Road, Stow, MA 01775

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