Transportation Network Company (TNC) FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Transportation Network Companies (TNC).

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How do I request a copy of my Public Driving Record or Personal Driving History?

Public Driving Records may be obtained at any full service RMV Service Center or ordered online. Personal Driving Histories are available only in person through the RMV's Boston Haymarket Service Center. Both types of record go back to the start of your driving history. The RMV will not produce an abridged, shortened, driving record or driving history. For more details on each type of document and options for ordering, please visit the RMV's Driving Records webpage.

Do I have enough experience to drive for a Transportation Network Company (TNC)?

  • If you are over the age of 23, you may drive for a TNC if you have been licensed to operate a motor vehicle in the United States for at least 1 year.
  • If you are under the age of 23, you may drive for a TNC if you have been licensed to operate a motor vehicle in the United States for at least 3 years.

Do I have to hold a Massachusetts driver's license to be a TNC driver in Massachusetts?

No. But it’s important to realize regardless of where you are licensed, a complete look at any driving infractions you have in both Massachusetts and other jurisdictions will be reviewed. Your driving history while licensed in other states may impact your TNC application in Massachusetts.

How do I get something removed from my driving record?

You cannot have an item removed from your record. However, you should review your record to make sure you have addressed any outstanding obligations that may disqualify you from driving for a TNC. Think about which of the following scenarios may apply to you:

  • Do you have any warrants for failure to appear in court? Visit the court that issued the warrant immediately. Anyone with an open warrant CANNOT drive for a TNC. Ask the court to communicate to the RMV that you have addressed your warrant. You may be required to bring the court paperwork back to the RMV to show you addressed your warrant, particularly if that court cannot transmit the record electronically. Be sure to ask the court about your next steps.
  • Do you have any outstanding excise tax or parking tickets? Contact the city or town where those monies are owed and make payment. Ask the city or town to inform the RMV you have settled your obligations so that it will be reflected on your record.
  • Do you owe any money to E-ZPass or Pay-By-Plate? Contact EZDriveMA
  • Do you have an uncompleted driver retraining class? If you think you may have a driver retraining class that you haven’t completed, you should call the National Safety Council (NSC) at 1-800-215-1581 to sign up for a class in English or Spanish.
  • Do you have any outstanding citation payments? Pay you citation online or visit an RMV location and make a payment on your outstanding tickets. If you are suspended for payment default, you will owe an additional $100 license reinstatement fee.

I have motor accidents and violations on my driving record. How much is too much?

If your record shows any combination of more than 4 at-fault accidents or motor vehicle violations in the last 3 years, you are disqualified from being a TNC driver.

My driver's license has been suspended before, will that be held against me?

Yes. If your suspension was driving related and happened within the last 7 years, you are not eligible to be TNC driver. However, if you were suspended for not paying a citation on time or for non-payment of child support, that will not be held against you. In other words, if your suspension is not related to driving you will be considered eligible.

I was pulled over for operating under the influence (OUI or DWI), am I eligible to drive for a TNC?

It depends. Think about which of the following scenarios apply to you:

  • Were you convicted or did you receive a 'Continued Without a Finding (CWOF)' for OUI in Massachusetts or somewhere else within the last 7 years? If yes, you cannot drive for a TNC. If your conviction or CWOF is more than 7 years ago you may apply.
  • Did you face a serious OUI charge in Massachusetts or somewhere else at any time? If you were convicted or received a 'Continued Without a Finding' for OUI homicide, OUI serious bodily injury, or OUI manslaughter, you cannot drive for a TNC.

I am required to operate a motor vehicle equipped with an Ignition Interlock Device,am I eligible?

No. No one with a current ignition interlock requirement is allowed to drive as a TNC driver. If you are no longer Interlock required, you may apply.

I was pulled over for driving recklessly before, am I eligible to work for a TNC?

The RMV uses the term “reckless” to mean the following types of violations: reckless or negligent operation of a motor vehicle, leaving the scene of an accident resulting in injury or property damage, using a motor vehicle without authority, or making a false statement to the RMV. If your record contains a conviction, or a 'Continued Without a Finding', for any of the motor vehicle violations mentioned here within the last 7 years, you are not eligible to be a TNC driver.

What if I have multiple serious driving offenses?

If you have 2 or more convictions or CWOFs for any of the following, you can never drive for a TNC:

  • 2 or more for OUI or DWI
  • 2 or more for leaving the scene of personal injury or property damage
  • 1 for OUI or DWI and 1 for any of the following:
    • Reckless or negligent operation
    • Leaving the scene of personal injury or property damage
    • Use without authority
    • False statement to the RMV
  • 1 for leaving the scene of personal injury or property damage and 1 for any of the following:
    • Reckless or negligent operation
    • OUI or DWI
    • Use without authority
    • False statement to the RMV

What if my driver's license was suspended for being a Habitual Traffic Offender?

If your driver's license was suspended for being a Habitual Traffic Offender in any jurisdiction within the last 7 years, you are not eligible to drive for a TNC.

I have an open criminal case. Can I drive for a TNC while my case is pending?

If the open criminal case is in Massachusetts or another jurisdiction, you are not eligible to be a TNC driver while your case is pending before a court, if the disposition of the case could result in a negative determination of suitability

Why does information about my status as a sex offender appear on my driving record?

If you fail to register as a sex offender, by law, that information is added to your driving record. This issue must be addressed directly with the Sex Offender Registry Board.

Date published: June 22, 2018

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