Learn about COMMBUYS Resources

COMMBUYS, the Commonwealth's e-procurement platform, links public purchasers in search of products and services with vendors who provide them.


COMMBUYS enables buyers and vendors to manage all aspects of the procurement process from a single, online platform. Bid posting, bid submission, and award, as well as purchase order activity and vendor email notifications, are managed online in COMMBUYS. Through COMMBUYS, buyers and vendors may access webinars, Job Aids, forms, policies, and more.

Benefits to Using COMMBUYS

COMMBUYS offers free, Internet-based access to all public procurement information posted in the system to help promote transparency, increase competition, and achieve best value for Massachusetts taxpayers.  COMMBUYS enables buyers and vendors to manage all aspects of the procurement process from a single, online platform. Bid posting, bid submission, and award, as well as purchase order activity and vendor email notifications, are managed online in COMMBUYS.

COMMBUYS PunchOut Catalogs

PunchOut catalogs enable buyers to locate and purchase Statewide Contract (SWC) products at pre-negotiated prices directly from vendors’ websites. These online shopping experiences are available to all COMMBUYS purchasers.

Customized Workflows

COMMBUYS is highly flexible and adapts to your business process.  Your dedicated Account Manager works with you to design your buyer profile so that documents electronically route through your prescribed approval process.  Whether your organization is large or small, COMMBUYS may adapt to your needs.

Streamlined Fulfillment from Vendors

COMMBUYS provides direct access to more than 100 of the Commonwealth’s competitively priced and previously negotiated SWCs, generating an invaluable time savings for your organization.  Additionally, COMMBUYS sends your online selections directly to the vendor for fulfillment.  When it is time to submit a requisition, access previous orders for easier submission.

Comprehensive Bid Management Tool

With COMMBUYS you may create and publish bids online, aggregate your purchasing power by posting and evaluation bids with other buying entities, and attach detailed bid specifications within your bid posting.  You also may connect with registered businesses to reach a larger audience of vendors at no cost to you for registration, postage, or advertising. 

Grant Funding Notifications

Finding grant opportunities is easy when you use the COMMBUYS-specific UNSPSC commodity code for grants.  This code enables interested organizations to quickly locate grant opportunities and receive email notifications when grants are posted in COMMBUYS. 

Purchasing and Procurement Data Access

COMMBUYS serves as a data warehouse for your purchasing and procurement activities.  With COMMBUYS, maintain an end-to-end archived procurement audit trail, electronically retaining detailed descriptions of items purchased, cost, and receipts of goods.

Contact Information


Available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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